President Xi Jinping pointed out during his visit to Tsinghua University that “Fine art, art, science and technology complement and promote each other。 It is necessary to give full play to the important role of art in serving economic and social development by applying more fine art elements and artistic elements to urban and rural planning and construction as well as enhancing the aesthetic charm and cultural taste of urban and rural areas, and better serving the high-quality life needs of the people with the achievements of art。 It is also necessary to build up cultural confidence, promote beauty as a media, and strengthen international cultural exchanges。”
In order to accomplish the spirit of the “3820” strategic project, accelerate the construction of a modern international city, and further improve the quality of Fuzhou‘s urban public art, Fuzhou Municipal Government and Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly organize the 2022 Fuzhou International Urban Sculpture Design Competition。
Ⅰ Organization
Fuzhou Municipal People`s Government
Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Urban-Rural Development
Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning
Fuzhou Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Group Co。, Ltd。
Fuzhou Taijiang District State Owned Assets Investment Group Co。, Ltd。
This activity is conducted under the guidance of the “2022 Fuzhou International Urban Sculpture Design Competition Organizing Committee” (hereinafter referred to as the Committee)。
Ⅱ Art Director and Theme
艺术指导:林胜煌 著名国际雕塑家
本次活动征集的雕塑作品要求充分诠释“有福之州 山水之城”理念,主要包含三个主题:
Art Director: Lin Shenghuang, internationally renowned Sculptor
Theme: Sculptures participating this competition require a comprehensive interpretation of the theme “Land with Prosperity, City with Greenery”, consisting of three topics:
1、 City with greenery landscape and eco-friendly society
2、City with energy and happiness
3、City with technology and prospect
Ⅲ Activity
Publication of works: All short-listed works and invited masters‘ works will be published in the “2022 Fuzhou International Urban Sculpture Design Competition Collection”。
Symposium Venue: Selected areas aligned with Fuzhou City’s sculptures plan in the public area 1)。 Core areas on the shorelines of the two mainstream rivers (Four shorelines in total); 2)。 Surrounding of Sanjiangkou Eco-Park, Qishan Lake Park, etc。
The organizing committee will open a dedicated web pages for 2022 Fuzhou International Urban Sculpture Design Competition at Event’s official website and its partner website in this document。 Please login for more information。
Ⅳ Registration and Deadline
本次征集活动于北京时间2022年2月15日正式启动,作品投稿截止时间为北京时间2022 年5月15日(以电子邮件发出时间为准)。
Official registration starts on February 15th, 2022 in Chinese Standard Time (CST / UTC+08:00) and ends at May 15th, 2022 in CST (Subject to the time of submission through email)
Ⅴ Requirement
Type of work: outdoor sculpture, landscape installation artwork。
Scale of works: Volume within 2-5 meters, and the specific size can be adjusted according to surrounding environment conditions and production costs。
Requirement of Works: The Competition requires each sculpture is original。 The Works need to be 1) thoughtful in intention; 2) graceful in design; 3) elegant in taste; 4) applicable; 5) showing international and modern style
Eligibility: This competition is open to professional artists and amateurs who have the ability to create sculptures individually or collectively and regardless his or her citizenships, nations, ages, and genders。
Form of Registration: by invitation and public open registration globally。
Ⅺ Appraisal of the Works and Awards
1、Selection process
The participants will submit their design’s draft for selection。 It will be judged prudently by a panel of experts from field of sculpture or related。 The final nominations will be selected via anonymous voting from the panel by highest count of votes along with public participation, etc。 The final nomination list will be chosen based on the above-mentioned methods。
The nominated sculptures will be shown at 2022 Fuzhou International Urban Sculpture Design Competition’s official featured page for 10 days to accept supervision from the society。 In case of dispute arises during this period, the committee will re-arrange the nomination list after fully investigation and re-publish the list。 During the publication, the committee will contact the nominees and sign confirmation documentations, order date for the demo, letter of intent for final product, and eventually collect the final product perpetually in Fuzhou。
2-3 collections designed by specially invited masters will not be judged by the panel。 However, the design’s paper draft will still be required (exception for special circumstances)
2、Honor Awards
Awards for 37 nominations: 80,000 RMB/per nomination (12,616 USD/ per nomination) ((1)Domestic nominees: this price includes demo production fee and mailing fee, and tax invoice will be included; (2)Foreign nominees: this price includes demo production fee and mailing fee; The materials made for demo must match the final product; The largest dimension size of the demo shall be no less than 40cm; The 20% personal income tax will be deducted by the committee for all nominations, the bank charges for the international money transfer will be paid by nominees )
Awards for 2-3 masterpieces by specially invited masters: 150,000 RMB / per work (23,655 USD/ per work) (In principle, this includes demo production fees and delivering fee, etc。)
The award-winning sculptors, institutions and organizations will receive an honorary certificate issued by the Fuzhou Municipal Government and Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development。 Works and demos will be permanently collected。
All expenses incurred by the applicant during the application process, as well as the winner’s awards, subsidies, etc。, shall be borne by the applicant。
Ⅻ Production of Finished Works
1、 Outstanding Works by sculptors in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Overseas
The design made by sculptors from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas will be processed by professional producers arranged by the committee。 It will be promised to have no less than 3 times of online discussion, communication, direction between the sculptors and professional producers。
2、 Domestic sculptor‘s outstanding works and famous masterworks
Domestic sculptor‘s outstanding works and famous masterworks will be either be delivered by sculptors themselves or produced by the professional producers arranged by the committee。 It is required that nominees need to finish every part of works and deliver to required location。 The foundation needed to hold the sculptures at the location will be responsible by the committee。
The Host of this sculpture design competition has the right to permanently use the awarded sculptures for any purposes (except for those specially invited masterpieces); The ownership of the finished product of the winning works belongs to the organizer of this sculpture design competition; the copyright of the works is jointly owned by the organizer and the artist。 Except for the payment of bonuses in accordance with the terms of this solicitation notice, the organizing committee will not pay other remunerations to the winners。
Acknowledgment on Intellectual Property Right and Copyright
1、The sponsoring unit should fully respect the sculpture and copyright of the contributor (natural person / work unit / design team)。 After contribution, it should be deemed that the contributor has agreed to give the sponsoring unit the right of publicity over sculpture。 Once the acknowledgment letter of sculpture is confirmed by the contributor, the sponsoring unit should have the right to exhibit and build the sculpture and keep it permanently in Fuzhou。 Other than the prize given to the contributor in the Contribution Invited, the organizing committee will not make other payments to prizewinners。
2、 The contributors should be the original creator who enjoys legal copyright over the works。 The contributor should guarantee that the sculpture submitted is first open to the public and will not infringe upon other people’s intellectual property rights (copyright, trademark right, patent right and etc。)。 If any dispute arises due to the above infringements, all the legal liabilities and the losses caused to the sponsoring unit should be borne by the responsible person。
3、The organizing committee has the right to check the participation qualification of the contributors。 If there is any misrepresentation during the process of submission, the organizing committee has the right to cancel the contributor’s qualification in any stage of the exhibition。 For those causing serious consequences, the organizing committee should investigate and affix legal responsibilities according to the circumstances。 Any dispute arising during this event should be solved by the relevant laws of the People’s Republic of China。 The organizing committee has the final interpretation right。
Ⅷ。Installation of Works
The participating works are in principle installed by the Committee。 If the designer has special requirements for the installation of the work, the author (or representative) can go to the site for specific instructions。 Planned Time: The end of 2022 to 2023
九、 提交文件
Ⅸ。Document Submission
First round submission will be sent electronically with following criteria:
Minimum three designs shall be submitted in color or photograph;Please also attach five photographs for previous works。
1-3 photos with different perspectives in A4 size should be provided and marked with title, size (in centimeters) and creativity。
In order to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the selection, the main content such as the design description and renderings of all works shall not contain the author‘s name, organization and other information that can identify the author。
All works shall attach a detailed installation guide and diagram。
Each contestant can submit one or more proposals。
The picture of the application proposal should be typed in A4 size, and the pixels of the picture or photo should not be less than 3M。
The document should be prepared in the following format: “author‘s name + work name + specification material (file type)” such as: Rodin + thinker + 2 meters high + cast copper (entry form/A4 text, etc。)。PPT/JPG/WORD/ PDF, etc。)
Ⅹ File Submission Requirements
(1) All application documents shall be submitted to the electronic version and sent to the designated mailbox of the Organizing Committee。 Paper submission mailing is not accepted。
(2) The applicant‘s works should be saved by the author。 Late submission of applications will not be accepted。
The work materials that the entrants must submit include: entry form (including A4 texts such as author information, brief introduction, creative description, etc。), (see Annex 1 for the unified template of the entry form)。 Entries that lack any one or more of the required documents will be considered ineligible and will not be accepted。
The committee reserves the right to examine the applicant’s qualifications for application。 Should any applicant fail to meet the qualifications stipulated in this notice, or make any false statements regarding his or her qualifications, the Committee shall be entitled to terminate his or her qualifications during any stage of the exhibition。
(0591-83612006,上午9:00-12:00 ,下午:15:00-17:30)
Event Hotline (Monday - Friday):
(0591-83612006, 9:00am-12:00am;15:00pm-17:30pm)
Email address: fzsculpture@qq.com
Official Weibo:
Official Website:
Official Website for Fujian Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
Official website for Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Urban-Rural Development
Official website for Fuzhou Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning
Official website for Fuzhou Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Group Co。, Ltd。
Art Website
2022 Fuzhou International Urban Sculpture Design Competition Organizing Committee
February 15, 2022