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黄明 黄明


  Huang Ming, with courtesy name Hewen (Crane Listening) and sobriquet Owner of Qing Tong Ju (Phoenix Tree Residence). He was born in 1976 in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, and served in the army for 10 years. He majored in Calligraphy in Nanjing University of the Arts and studied in the advanced program of Chinese painting in PLA Academy of Arts. He is currently a member of China Calligraphers Association, guest professor of Suzhou Institute of Sichuan University, committee member of the Tenth Jiangsu Youth Federation and invited calligrapher of Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Painting Institute。

  书法作品获全国首届青年书画大展---银奖(1999年);首届江苏省青年书法篆刻展---金奖(2000年);全国武警部队文艺创作一等奖(2002年);首届“林散之奖-提名奖”(2004年);“中国书法兰亭奖-提名奖”(2009年)以及数十次入展中国书协举办的全国展、中青展、行草书展、扇面展、手卷展等。作品还多次在韩国、日本、香港等地展出。 《荣宝斋》、《美术报》、《书画艺术》、《大公报-文化专栏》、《艺术名家》、《收藏周刊》等专版介绍。先后于南京、东莞、北京举办联展、个人展。2009年10月   作为艺术界代表,随中国青年访问团赴英国作“创造力与文化创新”的主题访问。作品收藏于威尔士国家博物馆、加迪夫国际艺术大学,韩国仁济大学。

  Huang Ming’s calligraphic works have won a great many awards, e.g., Silver Award of the First National Youth Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition (1999), Gold Award of the First Jiangsu Youth Calligraphy and Seal Exhibition (2000), First Award of the National Armed Police Force Literary and Artistic Creation (2002), Nomination Award of the First Lin Sanzhi Award (2004) and Nomination Award of Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award (2009), and have participated in dozens of national exhibitions, youth exhibitions, running script exhibitions, fan exhibitions and hand scroll exhibitions held by China Calligraphers Association. Moreover, his works have been displayed time and again in Republic of Korea, Japan and Hong Kong, etc. Rong Bao Zhai, China Art Weekly, Painting & Calligraphy Arts, Culture Column of Ta Kung Pao, Art Expert and Shou Cang Zhou Kan, etc. have all devoted featured pages to introduce his works. Besides, Huang Ming held group exhibitions and individual exhibitions in Nanjing, Dongguan and Beijing successively. In 2009, Mr. Huang, as a representative of the art circle, went to the U.K. with China youth delegation for a theme interview on “Creativity and Cultural Innovation。” His calligraphy works are among the collections of National Museum of Wales and Cardiff International Art University。

  出版有《中国书法名家研究·黄明卷》、《黄明书法作品选集》、《国寿颂》(合著) 、《鹤闻天籁—黄明书法展览作品集》。作品多次于中国保利拍卖,并为多家国际慈善机构收藏。

  Huang’s publications include A Study on Famous Chinese Calligraphers·Huang Ming, Selected Calligraphic Works of Huang Ming, Ode to China’s National Birthday (Co-edited) and Crane Listeningto Sound of Heaven—Exhibited Calligraphic Works of Huang Ming (Hewen). His works have been auctioned for several times at China Poly and collected by many internal charities。

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