
2018年07月01日 10:02 新浪收藏
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  也许是一种可能性——作为一个观念型的画家,李菁善于以多样化的语言形式表达对现实世界的态度。具体观念迫使艺术家在形式的不同可能性中选择确切通道,然而其作品内核自然地集中于艺术家的智识领域与情感取向。李菁的创作涉及了对大众美学、阶级素养、艺术体制等命题的讨论。另一方面,童年的家庭记忆是他创作的原动力,他声称父亲对其艺术创作具有重大而持续的影响。本次展览,李菁将呈现几个不同角度的系列创作,借助特别的空间设计和策划方式将它们有机串联。 “father”作为展览的内在线索之一,其词语的多义性也生发了丰富的可能性,引导观众在展览中去辨别与体察艺术家在伦理、阶级与信仰等主题范畴的实践。







  王将,当代艺术策划人与创作者。2014年始致力于独立艺术空间的创建与运营,先后担On Space策划人(2014-2015)与陌上实验主理人(2016-2017),同时参与到美术馆和画廊项目的监制、策划、主持,即时展览的评论,及艺术群落的组织。王将的艺术观念深受皮埃尔•布尔迪厄的艺术社会学说影响,在策划与创作中通过调动自我身份的能动性与相对性来打破身份政治的囿限,并以怀疑主义作为辩证工具,运用丰富的形式和媒介向艺术系统的现实状况发问。其行动往往从艺术体制批判和文化区隔批判出发,探索网络媒介对观念艺术的新型分配,试图衍生出能够作用于艺术系统的创新型实践。


F K 20x30cm 木板丙烯 2016F K 20x30cm 木板丙烯 2016
it could happen to you!58x88cm纸上艺术微喷2018it could happen to you!58x88cm纸上艺术微喷2018
KINA DRÖM27X244cm木板丙烯2016KINA DRÖM27X244cm木板丙烯2016
MAN OF SORROWS80x130cm布面丙烯2016MAN OF SORROWS80x130cm布面丙烯2016

  Maybe 1

  “Maybe” is a possibility-as an conceptual painter, Li Jing excels at expressing his attitude to the real world in a variety of linguistic forms。 The concrete concept forces the artist to choose the exact channel among the different possibilities of form, but the core of her works naturally focuses on the artist‘s intellectual field and emotional orientation。 Li Jing’s creation involves the discussion of issues such as mass aesthetics, cultural appreciation of classes, and art system。 In addition, her childhood memory of her family is the motive force of his creation, and he claims that his father has a great and lasting influence on his artistic creation。 This exhibition, Li Jing will present several series of creation from different angles, which are organically connected with special space design and planning methods。 As one of the inherent threads of the exhibition, the word “father”, is given abundant possibilities by its polysemy, leading the audience to discern and appreciate the practice of the artist in themes of ethics, class and belief。

  Maybe 2

  “Maybe” is an another possibility--in the exhibition, the curator Wang Jiang breaks the stereotype of the gallery curator and discards the conventional strategy of art marketing, directly and anomalously presenting the exhibition and transforming the concept, from attitude to form, and double intervening in the presentation of the works of the artist with 。 He gives up the moral integrity as an “taste arbiter” and exposes his true personal preference。 In each part of the plan, the curator plays the role by impromptu, deductive, intuitive, ambiguous, empty, exchangeable and counter-role ways。

  About the artist:

  Li Jing graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, who worked as a teacher in an art academy, hot and sour rice noodles peddler, and decoration worker。 As an Northeaster, his peculiar black humor extends from his social life to artistic creation。 The form of his works shows the concern and misappropriation of popular images, which insinuates and ridicules the social reality with humorous themes, reflecting his awareness and standpoint of the social stratum, and the self-examination of professional identity and cultural background。 His recent exhibitions include “collage” (C5 + 86), “good painting” (daylight pavilion project) and so on。 The media of his works involves paintings, installations, images。 He is now living and working in Beijing and Gotham。

  About the curator:

  Wang Jiang, Planner and creator of contemporary arts。 He has been committed to the establishment and operation of independent art space since 2014。 He has served as the planner of On Space (2014-2015) and the director of MoShang Experiment (2016-2017), engaged in the supervision, planning, host of museum and gallery, as well as the instant comment of exhibitions and the organization of art tribes。 Wang Jiang’s art concept is deeply influenced by Pierre Bourdieu’s art sociology, breaking the limitations of identity politics in creation and curation by activating the initiative and relativity of self-identity。 He uses skepticism as dialectical tool, employing rich forms and media to pose questions to the status quo of the existing art system。 Most of his actions start from the criticism of art system and cultural distinction, exploring the new distribution of conceptual art in Internet media, seeking for the creative practice that influences the existing art system。


  Li Jing solo show

  Maybe: his father is a painter


  Curated by Wang Jiang

  开幕时间:2018.06.30 16:00

  展览时间:2018.06.30 - 07.27

  展览地点:草场地红一号院A2 希帕画廊

  Opening: Jun 30th, 2018 16:00

  Dates: Jun 30th- July 27th 2018

  Venue: Cipa, Red No.1- A2,Caochangdi



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