
2018年10月15日 22:18 新浪收藏
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艺术家 雁北艺术家 雁北

  雁北,本名张国辉,字雁北,号壘。北京市平谷人。1986 年毕业于首都师范大学美术系。曾经从事美术教师、记者、职业画家等工作,创办广告公司和环境艺术公司,现旅居欧洲潜心创作。




  yanbei is a man with a lot of stories。 By saying this, I do not mean that his life has been full of ups and downs。 What I am referring to is how diversified his career identities have been over the years。 Apart from being an artist, he used to be a teacher, a journalist, and was even once in the real estate business。 It is not only the field of art in which he excelled, his achievements in other areas are also remarkable – one might even say to the extent of having become a role model。


  Although yanbei has set foot on many career paths and attempted a variety of different occupations, what he has always been meaning to do is to lay a foundation solid enough to support his artistic pursuits。 Therefore, in the long run, all other careers yanbei ever pursued are of great significance。 They must be seen as an integral and indispensable part of his life as an artist。


  Yanbei was born in the 1960s。 Same as almost all Chinese people of the same generation, yanbei went through the turbulent years of the Cultural Revolution as well as the significant social transitions following the opening-up。 What made his experience different was that he did not passively get involved, instead, he was actively participating in the ups and downs of the era。 In particular, seizing the great opportunity of China’s opening-up, yanbei divided his attention between artistic creation and other business pursuits。 Such pursuits greatly complemented his life as an artist, and earned him “success” in the secular sense in the business field。


  Having started to learn painting since as early as the late 1980s, yanbei was admitted to Beijing Normal University with high grade honors to study fine art。 It was right amidst China’s “cultural heat”, in which the passion for higher education swept every corner of the country。 Men and women in their youth were determined to take back the years impeded by the Cultural Revolution。 Under such circumstances, it was undoubtedly a blessing to be able to enter the university for a systematic education。 Zyanbei Guohui seized and made the most of such opportunity。 On one hand, he assimilated nutrients from Western modern art; on the other, he uncovered values from traditional Chinese art。 The two aspects complemented each other, broadened his artistic horizon, and lay a solid foundation for his figurative formation。


  I have had the honor of seeing Zhang’s works from earlier years。 There were ink paintings, oil paintings, watercolor paintings, sketches, illustrations etc。, and the formative language was indeed greatly varied。 I realized that Zhang’s painting talent was not restricted to any specific painting category。 Rather, it was developed in a comprehensive and full-bodied way into vertical depth。 This is a feature that students at the Normal University are equipped with, and it results in very strong comprehensive abilities in painting。 Influenced by the popularity of rustic themes in pictorial art at the time, the majority of works from Zhang’s early years tend to be realistic, reflecting the aesthetic taste of the period。


  After graduating from the university, yanbei became an art teacher, and produced a large quantity of vulgar paintings in the mean time。 His paintings developed a certain market base。 However, yanbei was not content with what he had achieved, nor did he wish to create paintings to meet the market demand。 He dreamed that one day he could paint entirely for himself – his every thought and feeling。 To move towards that goal, yanbei seized the opportunity of the massive market expansion and worked as a journalist and a designer before going into real estate development。 Although those years were spent outside the art field, he maintained fervent interest in art and never gave up on the painting brush。 Painting had not only become the interest of his life, but it became a spiritual harbor for him。


  After spending many hard-fought years in real estate and establishing a substantial economic foundation, yanbei determined to give up being a businessman and return to a state of freedom as an artist thanks to his persistence and unforgotten passion in art。 The experiences he has had and the choices he has made undoubtedly enriched and added interesting diversity to his artistic career。 Due to the economic foundation he has accumulated, yanbei could finally paint freely for himself。 Due to the abundant social experience he had acquired in previous careers, his paintings were charged with rich content and diversified inspirations from real life。 The outpouring of his sparkling creativity led to the production of hundreds of paintings in just the last few years。


  Ink painting is still the emphasis of yanbei’s most recent works, though his ink paintings do not follow the traditional path。 They employ the visual language of modern ink paintings to display his life and emotions。 Needless to say, the experimental nature of modern ink paintings conforms more to yanbei’s inner need。 The art of traditional ink painting has undergone hundreds of years of transition and accumulation, and has developed a fixed set of patterns and rules。 Artists who work within the rules inevitably feel restrained。 Modern ink painting, which absorbs the means of expression of other art forms, is a liberation of traditional ink painting, and it enriches the artistic language of this ancient painting form。 Since the 20th century, innovative artists led by Xu Beihong and Lin Fengmian had called for the innovation of ink paintings。 Their effort was not merely to conform with the taste of the era, but to express the experience of their existence and to reveal true feelings towards their time。


  Yanbei Guohui’s ink paintings take inspirations from Lin Fengmian, but are absent of Lin’s simpleness, thickness, and duskiness。 Instead, yanbi’s paintings are occupied with splendidness, glamor, and emotions。 There is no doubt that a painter’s style has to do with his or her own personality or experience。 Lin was born in a chaotic time and spent many decades living in severe social suppression。 It is inevitable that his paintings carry a sense of gloominess, which conforms to his personal experience。 On the contrary, Zhang Guohui is living in an age of openness。 He could switch between professions and travel around the globe。 These are all outcomes of the freedom and liberation brought about by the opening-up。 As a result, his artistic language appears to be bold, unrestrained, forceful and passionate。 This is a reflection of the open age, and a revelation of his true emotions and sentiments。


  Personally, I would say that yanbei’s paintings featuring disorderly grass are the favourites of mine。 His brushwork and ink splashes using the blade of the brush are as forceful and imposing as knife cuts。 Meanwhile, the use of color in his paintings is extremely rich – fresh but not gaudy, bright but not disruptive – it is entirely elegant and free, expressive and delightful。 In my view, developing along this path has the greatest potential of establishing an artistic world of his own。 This is because in terms of artistic expression, yanbei’s paintings have leapt beyond a mere correlation of ink and brush, and have found a path toward western expressionism。


  In truth, the development of ink paintings has reached a bottleneck。 This applies to modern ink paintings as well。 How to break free from people’s rigid understanding of conventional ink paintings and inject the life experience and emotions of a modern man into this ancient art form has become a heated topic for discussion。 Zhang broke free from the restraints of identity and artistic modes。 He made use of various means and methods, in particular, he assimilated western expressionism to enrich the artistic language of ink paintings and to extend the powerfulness of his artistic expression。 As to whether or not his works still count as ink paintings, it appears to have become less of an important question。 For Zhang, who has experienced multiple life identities and has now settled down far overseas, all he cares about and asks for is nothing but free artistic expression。


  February 16, 2017

  Tongzhou, Beijing



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