2018年10月20日,由周祁出品、庄伯五策展的Charlie Sheard 个展,顺利在拾Space开幕,来自中外的很多朋友参加了画展开幕式,大家热烈的和艺术家Charlie Sheard进行交流,场面十分活泼轻松。

艺术家Charlie Sheard来自澳大利亚悉尼,是土生土长的澳洲人,也是很多中国艺术家的好朋友,他喜爱中国文化和艺术。

在长达40年的创作实践中Charlie Sheard找寻到了自己的抽象语言形式,他的作品得益于古希腊、拜占庭、文艺复兴等传统图像的潜移默化,也从澳洲现实中获取灵感,在众多因素影响下的创作无疑是有很大的学术价值的,在欧美艺术史上下文的逻辑语境中是成立的,它继承了欧洲传统抽象主义的线索,并在视觉语言表现上汲取美国当代抽象绘画的明快、简洁、清晰、乐观,同时去除了欧洲抽象的深刻、凝重、哲理、悲观。

近15年中,Charlie Sheard开始喜欢中国文化,痴迷中国宋元时期的山水绘画,并定期访问中国,尝试把中国一些传统美学因素融汇入画,希望从自己作品中淬火中西、并观照于宏观自然的感性认知。

观看展览的朋友中,很多人从查理的作品中找到共鸣点,并面对面的和Charlie Sheard进行交流沟通。


Charlie Sheard
Charlie Sheard独特的纯粹抽象绘画大胆地柔和了色彩和形式。他的充满活力的视觉语言节奏表现在一系列的质感(金属光,哑光和冷光)和颜色(对纯净而且生动的色素高质量和高专业的调和)。超越这些品质的是Sheard对构图的掌握。他的作品建立在一系列有机的,对颜色,形状和质感的多层次相互重叠 - 有时候让构架独树一枝,并且引领风骚。
Sheard的抽象作品已经在澳大利亚,欧洲,美国和中国的六十多个个展中展出。他的作品被全球许多著名的公共,私人和企业所收藏,包the Museum of Old and New Art博物馆(澳大利亚),世界银行(纽约),剑桥大学(英国)和迪肯大学(澳大利亚)。
由Terence Maloon策划的回顾展”Charlie Sheard,纯粹抽象的十年,2006至2016”于2016年在Drill Hall美术馆(澳大利亚国立大学)展出。这个具有里程碑意义的展览不仅反映了他作为领先抽象派艺术家已经建立的名誉,而且意味着他对形式,感觉和诗歌生动地捕捉和解释的持续兴趣。他最近的画展, "胡勤武和Charlie Sheard”在北京皋定画廊2018年4月举行。2018年9月他同时在May Sapce画廊和悉尼艺术节同时举办展览。
Josephine Touma博士, 澳大利亚新南威尔士艺术博物馆, 2018年8月

Charlie Sheard油画和绘画自述

Charlie Sheard是悉尼最著名和最受人尊敬的抽象派画家之一。他在澳大利亚,欧洲,美国和中国举办了超过60场个人画展。他的作品在世界范围内被政府,企业和私人收藏,其中包括在澳大利亚霍巴特的古代和现代艺术博物馆 (Museum of Old and New Art in Hobart) 。Charlie Sheard在二十世纪八十年代在英格兰工作了七年,从1990年起生活在悉尼。他在北京的798壹单元艺术空间举办过画展。他在北京中央美术学院举办过讲座,并且在新南威尔士的艺术博物馆(Art Gallery of NSW)和新南威尔士大学(the University of NSW)定期举办讲座。Charlie Sheard由悉尼May Space画廊代理。
2016年“Charlie Sheard,纯粹抽象的十年,2006至2016”在堪培拉的澳大利亚国立大学 (the Australian National University in Canberra) The Drill Hall Gallery美术馆举行。这次考察画展由Terence Maloon策划;Terence Maloon因为策划新南威尔士艺术博物馆的重要展览而闻名,例如"毕加索,上几个十年(Picasso, The Last Decades)"和"通往抽象派的路径(Paths to Abstraction)"。他最近的画展包括2018年4月在北京皋定画廊举办的双展"胡勤武和Charlie Sheard",以及在悉尼May Space画廊举办的几次个展。
Charlie Sheard is one of Sydney’s most well known and respected abstract painters。 He has held more than sixty solo exhibitions in Australia, Europe, the USA and China; his work is represented in public, private and corporate collections throughout the world, including at MONA in Hobart。 Charlie Sheard worked in England for seven years in the 1980s and has lived in Sydney since 1990。 He has exhibited at Unit One Art Space at 798 in Beijing and has lectured at the Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts。 He has also lectured regularly at the Art Gallery of NSW and the University of NSW。 Charlie Sheard is represented by May Space Gallery in Sydney。
In 2016, the exhibition “Charlie Sheard, Ten Years of Pure Abstraction, 2006 to 2016” was held at The Drill Hall Gallery at the Australian National University in Canberra。 This survey exhibition was curated by Terence Maloon, well known for his important Art Gallery of NSW exhibitions such as “Picasso, The Last Decades” and “Paths ToAbstraction”。 More recent Exhibitions include the large two man show “Huqinwu and Charlie Sheard” at Boding Gallery, Beijing, in April 2018, and several one man shows with May Space in Sydney。
Instagram: charlie_sheard

2018 Sydney Contemporary, Carriageworks, Sydney悉尼2018艺术节
2018 DIGONOS, May Space, Sydney悉尼May Space画廊
2017 Tableau and Poesia, May Space, Sydney悉尼May Space画廊
2016 Charlie Sheard, Drill Hall Gallery, Australian National University, Canberra澳洲国立大学
2015Watercolour Paintings, Van Rensberg Galleries, Hong Kong香港Van Rensberg画廊
2014 Pure Abstractions, University of Newcastle Gallery 纽卡斯尔大学
2013 AITIA, Olsen Irwin Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Olsen Irwin画廊
2012 Works on Paper, Unit One Art Space, 798, Beijing 北京798壹单元艺术空间
2011 Phoenix, Tim Olsen Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Tim Olsen画廊
2010 EROS, drawings, ESD Gallery, East Sydney 悉尼ESD画廊
2008 Christine Abrahams Gallery, Melbourne 墨尔本Christine Abrahams画廊
2007 Tim Olsen Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Tim Olsen画廊
2006 Christine Abrahams Gallery, Melbourne 墨尔本Christine Abrahams画廊
2005 Tim Olsen Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Tim Olsen画廊
2004 Christine Abrahams Gallery, Melbourne 墨尔本Christine Abrahams画廊
2003 Tim Olsen Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Tim Olsen画廊
2002 Tim Olsen Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Tim Olsen画廊
2002 McGrath Galleries, New York 纽约 McGrath画廊
2001 Charles Nodrum Gallery, Melbourne 墨尔本CharlesNodrum画廊
2000 Tim Olsen Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Tim Olsen画廊
1999 Tim Olsen Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Tim Olsen画廊
1998 Olsen Carr Art Dealers, Sydney 悉尼OlsenCarr Art Dealers画廊
1997 Charles Nodrum Gallery, Melbourne 墨尔本Charles Nodrum画廊
1996 Olsen Carr Art Dealers, Sydney 悉尼OlsenCarr Art Dealers画廊
1995 Olsen Carr Art Dealers, Sydney 悉尼OlsenCarr Art Dealers画廊
1994 Rex Irwin Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Rex Irwin画廊
1994 Greenaway Gallery, Adelaide 阿德莱德 Greenaway画廊
1992 Rex Irwin Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Rex Irwin画廊
1991 Charles Nodrum Gallery, Melbourne 墨尔本CharlesNodrum画廊
1990 Rex Irwin Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Rex Irwin画廊
1989 Galerie Dusseldorf, Perth 佩斯Galerie Dusseldorf画廊
1989 Charles Nodrum Gallery, Melbourne 墨尔本CharlesNodrum画廊
1988 Rex Irwin Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Rex Irwin画廊
1988 Sylvester Studios, Sydney 悉尼Sylvester Studios画廊
1987 Gallerie S65, Aalst, Belgium 比利时Gallerie S65 Aalst画廊
1987 Clare Hall College, the University of Cambridge 英国剑桥大学
1986 Kettle’s Yard Gallery, Cambridge 剑桥Kettle’s Yard画廊
1986 Old Fire Engine House, Ely 伊利Old Fire Engine画廊
1985 Rex Irwin Gallery, Sydney 悉尼Rex Irwin画廊
1984 Clare Hall College, the University of Cambridge 英国剑桥大学
1984 Anne Berthoud Gallery, London 伦敦Anne Berthoud画廊
1983 Angela Flowers Gallery, London 伦敦Angela Flowers画廊
1983 Old Fire Engine House, Ely 伊利Old Fire Engine画廊
1982 Clare Hall College, the University of Cambridge 英国剑桥大学
2018 Hu Qinwu and Charlie Sheard, Boding Gallery, Beijing北京
2017 Australian Watercolour Institute Annual Exhibition, Juniper Hall, Sydney 悉尼
2016 Australian Watercolour Institute Annual Exhibition, Juniper Hall, Sydney 悉尼
2016 Wollongong Art Gallery Watercolour Prize 卧龙港
2015 Wollongong Art Gallery Watercolour Prize卧龙港
2014 Ochre, Bones & Urine, Fehily Contemporary墨尔本
2013 “Drawing Now”, Ivan Dougherty Gallery, UNSW悉尼
2012 “Space”, Flindes Lane Gallery, Melbourne 墨尔本
2009 “Four Sydney Abstractionists”, Tin Sheds Gallery,University of Sydney悉尼
2009 “Art with Paper”, BoutwellDrapper Gallery, Redfern悉尼
2009 “Opening Exhibition”, Kristian PithieGallery,Melbourne墨尔本
2008 Blake Prize Exhibition, National Art School, Sydney悉尼
2005 Criterion Gallery, Hobart澳大利亚
2002 “The View From Here”, Christine Abrahams Gallery,Melbourne墨尔本
1999 “Contemporary”, Works from the Collection of Allen,Allen and Hemsley, University of Technology,Sydney悉尼
1991 “Doors”, Gold Coast City Art Gallery, Queensland昆士兰
1987 “The Shelf Show”, Kettle’s Yard Gallery, Cambridge剑桥
1987 “Visions of Stonehenge”, Southampton City Art Gallery英国
1986 “Three Cambridge Artists”, Hall Barn, Fen Ditton英国
1984 “The Big Painting Show”, Angela Flowers Gallery, London伦敦
1980 “Australian Student Printmakers”, Print Council of Australia澳大利亚
John McDonald, “Art: Charlie Sheard”, Sydney Morning Herald, Good Weekend, 7 September 2018,
Josephine Touma, “Painting, Materiality and Conviction”, Charlie Sheard, May Space, September 2018
Annabelle Cage, “Pure Abstraction”, Art Collector (Sydney Contemporary Special Edition), September 2018
Terence Maloon, interview with Charlie Sheard, Charlie Sheard catalogue, Drill Hall Gallery, 2016
Sasha Grishin, Canberra Times, “Charlie Sheard”, 25 October 2016
Jill Stowell, Newcastle Herald, “Letting Paint Speak”, 3 May 2014, P30
Charlie Sheard, “Colour as Substance”, catalogue essay in Pure Abstractions, University of Newcastle Gallery, 2014
Beaumont, Fenner, McDonald, “The Land AndIt’s Psyche”, University of NSW press, 2012
PheLuxford, Space, catalogue essay, Flinders Lane Gallery, 2012
Australian Art Review, November – December 2011
Charlie Sheard, “Abstract Painting”, catalogue essay in Phoenix,Tim Olsen Gallery, 2011
Steve Meacham, Sydney Morning Herald, “Secrets of the OldMasters Laid Bare” 3 September 2010,p13
Charlie Sheard, “Kandinsky: Cause and Effect”, catalogue essayin Four Sydney Abstractionists, University of Sydney, 2009
“Project Pink”, Harpers Bazaar, October 2008
Charlie Sheard, “A History of Abstraction”, catalogue essayin Abstractions, Tim Olsen Gallery, 2007
McCulloch’s Encyclopedia of Australian Art, 4th Edition, 2006
The Age, “Art Around the Galleries”, 28 October 2006
He Wei Xiong and Charlie Sheard, Mountain, translations ofChinese poems, Tim Olsen Gallery, 2005
Robert Nelson, The Age, “Sightlines”, 21 May 2004
Jeff Makin, Herald Sun, “Critics Choice”, 10 May 2004
Charlie Sheard, “Substance Reveals Essence”, catalogue essayin Nine Paintings, Tim Olsen Gallery, 2002
Terry Ingram, Australian Financial Review: Saleroom, 4 April 2002
Victoria Hynes, “Light Brigade”, Sydney Morning Herald: Metro,15 June 2001
Betsy Brennan, Vogue Living, June – July 2001
Charlie Sheard, Abstraction: Spirit, Light, Pure Form,catalogue essay, published by Tim Olsen Gallery, 2001
Siobhan O’brian, “Gods and Small Things”, Sydney MorningHerald, 3 May 2001
Sebastian Smee, Sydney Morning Herald, January 2001
“Australia’s 50 Most Collectable Artists”, Australian Art Collector,January 2000
Joyce Morgan, Sydney Morning Herald, 1 October 1999
Sebastian Smee, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 August 1999
Megan Hitchens, Songs for Dionysos, Wei Xiong and Lucy,catalogue essay, Tim Olsen Gallery, 1999
“Australia’s 50 Most Collectable Artists”, Australian Art Collector,Issue No。 7, 1999
Sebastian Smee, Sydney Morning Herald, 22 September 1998
Geoffrey Boccalatte, “Hugh Jamieson”, Australian Art Collector,Issue No。 2, 1998
Charlie Sheard, “Ildiko Kovacs”, Agenda, January 1991
Max Germaine, Art and Artists of Australia,1991
Agenda, Issue No。 11, April 1990
Penny Webb, Agenda, Issue No。 9, December 1989
David Bromfield, The West Australian, 30 July 1989
Elwyn Lynn, The Australian, 13 February 1988
Lawrence George, Style, issue No。 1, December 1987
Christopher Chippindale, Visions of Stonehenge,catalogue essay, Southampton City Art Gallery, 1987
Kettle’s Yard Gallery Bulletin, July – August 1986
Hilary Gresty, Cambridge Festival Programme, 1986
Art in Australia, Summer, 1985-86
Susanna Short, Sydney Morning Herald, 14 March 1985
Charlie Sheard, “Basil Bunting and Music”, The Present Tense,Autumn 1982
Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart 古代和现代艺术博物馆,澳大利亚
The World Bank世界银行,纽约
Macquarie银行, 悉尼
AtanaskovicHartnell, Sydney悉尼
Allens, Sydney悉尼
Kettle’s Yard Gallery, Cambridge剑桥
Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge剑桥大学
Gadens Ridgeway, Sydney悉尼
Faber-Castell Collection, Sydney悉尼
Western Mining, Melbourne墨尔本
Regent Hotel, Sydney悉尼
Blake Dawson Waldron, Melbourne墨尔本
Deakin University, Melbourne墨尔本
KPMG, Sydney悉尼