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       Ren Rong

  1960        出生于中国江苏省南京市

  1982-86  就读于南京艺术学院美术系

  1989-92  就读于德国蒙斯特与杜塞道夫国立美术学院

  1992        毕业于德国杜塞道夫国立美术学院

  1993        德国史莱斯威西·赫尔斯坦州文化部艺术奖学金

  1995        在北京 。宋庄建造任戎工作室

  1996    受德国波恩现代美术馆委托,策划“中国! 当代绘画国际巡回展”

  2007       在德国波恩市创建波恩当代艺术馆



个展(节选) 2016 – 2000

  2016 “四季 任戎个展”北京, 798艺术区白盒子艺术馆

  “无处不在 任戎个展” 长沙, 美仑美术馆 

  “创世纪 任戎个展” 成都 域上和美美术馆

  “任戎30年回顾展” 德国哈根欧斯特豪斯国立美术馆

  2015  “百花齐放 任戎个展”德国, 埃森 高尔兹画廊

  2014  “上海!上海!任戎个展”上海,奥赛画廊

  “万物同源 任戎2014年个展”南京先锋当代艺术中心

  2013“百花齐放 任戎个展”德国,杜塞道夫,波哈德·埃克曼画廊

  2012   “任戎雕塑展”德国,科布伦茨,科布伦茨艺术空间

  2011      “任戎个展”德国,卡尔斯鲁厄,米夏尔·奥斯画廊             

  2010     “任戎新作”德国,科隆,柒号艺术画廊

  2009     “任戎个展”德国,曼海姆,曼海姆市立艺术协会


  2008      “任戎个展”德国,慕尼黑,封·勃奥边恩画廊



  2007      “任戎个展”德国,威腾,威腾市立美术馆

  2006      “任戎个展”德国,史湾福特市立美术馆



  2005     “任戎个展”德国,里根斯伯格市立美术馆



  “任戎个展” 北京,今日美术馆



  2004     “任戎个展”台湾,台北,朱铭美术馆



  2003     “任戎个展”中国,深圳何香凝美术馆




  2002     “任戎个展”香港,香港艺术中心



  2001     “任戎个展”德国,渥泊塔,冯·德·海特美术馆



  2000     “任戎个展”德国,德累斯登市立美术馆









  Ren Rong

  1960 Born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
1982-86 studied at the Art Department of Nanjing Art Institute
1989-92 Studied at the National Academy of Fine Arts in Munster and Dusseldorf, Germany
1992 Graduated from the National Academy of Fine Arts, Dusseldorf, Germany
1993 Schleswig-Holstein Scholarship, Ministry of Culture, Germany
1995 in Beijing。 Songzhuang built Ren Rong studio
1996 commissioned by the German Museum of Modern Art in Bonn, planning “China! Contemporary Painting International Tour Exhibition”
2007 Creation of the “Kunstraum Villa Friede” Bonn, Germany
Now lives and works in Bonn / Germany, Beijing / China
Solo Exhibition (Excerpts)
2016 “Four Seasons Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Beijing, 798 Art District White Box Art Museum
“Everywhere Ren Rong solo exhibition” Changsha, Meilun Art Museum
“Genesis Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” and the United States Museum of Art in Chengdu
“Ren Rong 30 Years Retrospective Exhibition” National Art Museum, Hagen, Germany
2015 Gallery Goltz, Essen, Germany
2014 Shanghai, Shanghai Art Gallery, Shanghai, China
      “All Things Homologous Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Nanjing Pioneer Contemporary Art Center
2013 “Blooming Flowers Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Germany, Dusseldorf, Bohard Ekman Gallery
“Ren Rong Sculpture Exhibition”, Koblenz, Germany Koblenz Art Space
2011 “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Karlsruhe, Michaels Aus Gallery, Germany
2010 “Ren Rong new work” Germany, Cologne, Qi Art Gallery
“Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Municipal Art Association of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Artingen Municipal Museum, Germany
2008 Ren Rong Solo Exhibition, Munich, Germany
              “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Hamm, Hamm Municipal Art Museum, Germany
              “The Exhibition of Ren Rong”, Zig, Zig National Art Museum, Germany
2007 “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Germany, Witten, Witten City Museum of Art
“Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Shiwan Ford Art Museum, Germany
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Germany, Wittlich, Georg Georstein Museum of Art
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Fute Municipal Museum, Germany
Ren Rong Solo Exhibition, Rijksberg Municipal Museum, Germany
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Czech Republic, cloth Yun Municipal Museum of Art
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Beijing, Forbidden City Gallery
            “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Beijing Today Art Museum
             Ren Rong Solo Exhibition, Berlin, Germany
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Heller Museum of Fine Arts, Germany
Art Exhibition of Ren Rong, Taiwan, Taipei
        “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” City Museum of Art, Germany
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Fine Art Gallery, Hong Kong
Art Exhibition, Ren Rong Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Germany, Baiai Ott Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Museum of Modern Art, Nanjing, China
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Singapore, Si Min Art Gallery
2002 Ren Rong Solo Exhibition Hong Kong, Hong Kong Arts Center
             Contemporary Art Exhibition, China Millennium Monument, Beijing, China
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Taiwan, Taipei, Feng Jia Art Museum
2001 “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Germany, Ottawa Tower, von de Hite Museum
             “The Exhibition of Ren Rong”, City Museum of Art, Lefort, Germany
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition”, Osnabruck City Museum of Art, Germany
2000 Ren Rong Solo Exhibition, Dresden City Art Museum, Germany
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Germany, Kobolunzi, Ludwig Museum of Art
             Ren Rong Solo Exhibition, Heidelberg Municipal Art Association, Germany
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Taiwan, Taipei City Museum of Art
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Taiwan, Taipei, Eslite Gallery
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Hong Kong, Han Yaxuan Gallery
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Fine Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada
             “Ren Rong Solo Exhibition” Germany, Du, Liu Baird Hols Art Museum
             “Art Exhibition of Ren Rong”, Museum of Art of Marburg University, Germany





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