


“中国姿态·2017首届温州国际雕塑大展”共展出高3-15米户外雕塑30件,这是中国雕塑学会“中国姿态”大展品牌国际化、空间化、立体化的升级。“中国姿态·中国雕塑大展”(CHINESE POSE- CHINA SCULPTURE EXHIBITION,简称“中国姿态大展”)由中国雕塑学会于2008年创立,是目前国内唯一以“中国雕塑大展”命名的雕塑类展览,其专业性、学术性和前瞻性,昭示了中国雕塑界以一种全新的姿态投入中国当代文化复兴的决心与专业使命。“中国姿态·2017首届温州国际雕塑大展”的主题为“中国姿态”。当下的中国是以怎样的姿态面向全球,当今的中国雕塑艺术是以何种姿态屹立于世界艺术之林,这是历史和现实带给我们的思考,也是我们每个中国人应该肩负起来的时代使命。


温州,位于中国东南部,瓯江下游南岸,是沿海的港口城市, 是中国民营经济发展的先发地区与改革开放的前沿阵地。温州人以“智行天下”·“善行天下”·“商行天下”而闻名遐迩。温州城位于我国浙南丘陵地区冲积平原的水网地带,不仅筑城时塑造了理想的山水城市空间格局,而且城市周边群山环抱,江河纵横,水网密布,实乃“青山绿水”中的花园城市。龙湾区地处温州市东部,西距市中心20公里,南距瑞安30公里,是温州的主要城区之一,也是温州市工业发展、港口运输和旅游的重要基地。




作者姓名: 曾成钢
作品材质: 石材
Title: King Yu Combating the Flood
Artist:Zeng Chenggang
Material: Stone
Size: 7 meters high
During the period of two legendary rulers Yao and Shun, there came a heavy flooding, Yu was appointed to combat the flood. He took lessons from his father Gun, making the best use of the circumstances, overcame all kind of dfficulties ,and finally achieved the success during the process of combating the flood. Therefore he was respectfully titled as King Yu. He invented tools, excavated Jishi mountain and Qingtong gorge and lived far away from his home for 13 years for national stability.
His spirit of unselfishness and scientific innovation had been Chinese ethos' origin and symbol, playing an important role in national civilization development.

作品名称: 《竹林七贤》
作者姓名: 霍波洋
作品材质: 石材
作品尺寸: 高4.2米
Title: seven sages of the bamboo grove
Artist:Huo Boyang
Material: Stone
Size: 4.2 meters high
Present seven sages of the bamboo grove by contemporary artistic language.

作品名称: 《东海渔民》
作者姓名: 沈文强
作品材质: 石材
作品尺寸: 高4米
Title: Fisherman of Donghai Sea
Artist:Shen Wenqiang
Material: Stone
Size: 4 meters high
Fishermen lived a sea life throughout the year, and that made them who they are. They are brave and pure, bold and open, sitting steady with waves rolled by them, just like the symbol of the sea.

作品名称:《都市发展 》
作者姓名: 松尾光伸
作品材质: 不锈钢
Title: Development of a City
Artist:Matsuo Mitsunobu
Material: Stainless Steel
Size: 15 meters high
The development of a city consisted of five stages: formation, rudiment, regional development, national development and international development.

作品名称: 《升华的征程》
作者姓名: 鲍海宁
作品材质: 铸铜
作品尺寸: 高4米
Title:Advanced Journey
Artist:Bao Haining
Size: 4 meters high
Material: Cast Copper
The sculptor used modular sculptural composition to arrange the figures, presented the best wishes for peace through the topic of war.

作品名称: 《无为》
作者姓名: 王志刚
作品材质: 不锈钢
作品尺寸: 高2.6米
Title: Inactivity
Artist:Wang Zhigang
Material: Stainless Steel
Size: 2.6 meters high
Everything grew from nothing, moved in circles, and were reborn after fusion and transformation. The sculptor used the light reflection of stainless steel to make the viewers see themselves from others’ eyes, which added philosophical meaning to the work. Sometimes it is not what the environment presents to us, it is we we see and what we think. Eastern world view believed that harmony between the heaven and human should be one’s highest chase.

作品名称: 《居高临下》
作者姓名: 刘强
作品材质: 铸铜
作品尺寸: 高7米
作品说明: 高山流水非有意,片云归洞本无心
Title:From Above
Artist:Liu Qiang
Material: Cast Copper
Size: 7 meters high
The water didn’t flow from the mountains on purpose, and the cloud didn’t mean to return to the cave

作品名称: 《罡》
作者姓名: 马天羽
作品材质: 铸铜
Title: Ethos
Artist:Ma Tianyu
Material: Cast Copper
Size: 4 meters high
Bao Zheng was an official of the Northern Song Dynasty, who was known for his justice and integrity. Till now, there has been built a few memorial temples in China. The sculptor created a straight and firm Bao Zheng Statue, presented his great spirits and praised the ethos that rooted in the nation and cared deeply about the common people.

作品名称: 《模型-云峰古刹》
作者姓名: 陈政
作品材质: 耐候钢
作品尺寸: 高5米
Title: Model-Yunfeng Temple
Artist:Chen Zheng
Material: Corten Steel
Size: 5 meters high
Modelling language was used to construct a conception of Chinese landscape. The collision came from the pursuit to new visual form, it was a statistic impact to traditional Chinese aesthetic taste. The practice was as well a possible thinking and exploration to break the tradition.

作者姓名: 柳青
作品材质: 铸铜
Title: Self-service
Artist:Liu Qing
Material: Cast Copper
Size: 3.6 meters high
The sculptor used figurative sculptural language to present common people in a crowed bus exaggeratively. Through dramatic means, it expressed modern people’s anxiety caused by intense life pace and alienation of relationships. A chance of knowing, reflecting and focusing on the society is hoped to be provided to us

作者姓名: 卫昆
作品材质: 铸不锈钢
Title: Elephant·Walk
Artist:Wei Kun
Material: Cast Stainless Steel
Size: 4.8 meters high
Elephant bore the weight of intelligence and power of life. The sculpture described time, and expressed reverence to life. New transition was accomplished in the space-time.

作者姓名: 熊春林
作品材质: 铸造耐候钢
在都市人群的密集空间中,某一空间的重复体验中,我可以感觉到自己的存在; 但是实体本身在不断地变化,空间体验的方式也在日新月异,这又让我迷失了个体的存在。
Title: Repeated Existence
Artist:Xiong Chunlin
Material: Cast Corten Steel
Size: 3 meters high
I feel myself in the repeated experiences of a certain space, but when both myself and space are changing, I can’t feel myself.

作者姓名: 闫坤
作品材质: 耐候钢
Title: Feather
Artist:Yan Kun
Material: Corten Steel
Size: 2.7 meters high
Sometimes a feather can decide the inclined direction. The smallest thing can has the biggest power.

作者姓名: 杨洋
作品材质: 铸铜
Title: In Green
Artist:Yang Yang
Material: Cast Copper
Size: 4 meters high
A teenager in meditation was sculpted, with his body stretched like flowing water. The tercel of opening wings looked like a blooming flower. The mixture of sculptural language and bronze presented poetic conception. The nature, sculpture and people were fused together

作者姓名: 朱晨
作品材质: 石材
Title: Yandang Mountain’s Spiritual Elegance
Artist:Zhu Chen
Material: Stone
Size: 4 meters high
Yandang mountain, located in Wenzhou, had been known as “The First mountain in southeast”. The sculpture took its image as modeling element, represented the stability and beautiful of the mountain, as well as the fearless and unyielding spirit of Wenzhou.

作者姓名: 朱科丞
作品材质: 石材
Title: Trade Route-Emotions on a Leaf
Artist:Zhu Kecheng
Material: Stone
Size: 3 meters high
The sculpture expressed that our society was a organic integrity of mutual exchange and promotion through the image of the silk road and leaf vein. The trade route built friendship, and harmony stimulated development

作者姓名: 阿尔贝那·米哈伊洛娃
作品材质: 石材
Title: 《Gate》
Artist:Albena MiHaylova
Material: Stone
Size: 4 meters high
Since ancient times, it symbolizes not only the entrance, but hidden space, a mysterious force behind the gateway. Door, gate metaphorically means entering an important spatiality as sculpture introduces us to dimensional spatiality. Light also plays important role in the sculpture composition. Opening the center of the sculpture, and leaving the light to pass through and form create sense of something vivid. Light change the structure of the material from hard to soft and vice versa. My sculpture project is a set of symbols coming with our heritage, transforming through the present to travel to our future."

作品名称: 《贵族夫妇》
作者姓名: 钱德尔·普拉卡什
作品材质: 石材
Title: The Royal Couple
Artist:Chander Prakash
Material: Cast Copper
Size: 7 meters high"In this particular sculpture two vertical heads are stood together . These two human heads stand for royal couple who belongs to royal family.My previous works are based upon myths , legend and day today life.For this sculpture ,I was inspired from the story of Lord Shiva and Parvati. I have used two portraits but in contemporary manner .In these portraits both the figures have the icon of the Hindu God,Lord Shiva and Parvati ,like snake and Bull .Lord shiva and Parvati are symbol of Power..They both have a meditative expressions.There is also a story of struggle of Devi Parvati for marrying Lord Shiva.She took three births and then marry Shiva.There is a myth in our hinduism religion that God Shiva in the winter season take all the insects in his lap and send them back during summers

作者姓名: 柳德米拉·米什科
作品材质: 不锈钢
Title: 《Tumbleweed》
Artist:Lyudmyla Mysko
Material: Stainless Steel
Size: 2 meters high
This abstract composition. The project consists from 16 identical simple elements of the children's designer. Simple elements get a new aesthetic value in the amount of monumental sculpture. I was inspired by tumbleweed. A tumbleweed is a structural part of the above-ground anatomy of a number of species of plants, a diaspore that, once it is mature and dry, detaches from its root or stem, and tumbles away in the wind. In most such species the tumbleweed is in effect the entire plant apart from the root system, but in other plants a hollow fruit or an inflorescence might serve the function. Tumbleweed species occur most commonly in steppe and arid ecologies, where frequent wind and the open environment permit rolling without prohibitive obstruction.

作品材质: 石材、钢铁
Title: 《Ship and Dream》
Artist:Vangelis Rinas
Material: Stone & steel
Size: 7.5 meters Long
The Idea behind from the specific artwork is to show the ship as a symbol through the centuries and its importance in the history of the mankind.The ship is the way for the communication between the people and for the creation strong bonds and friendship.It is the symbol of the endless vision to conquer the knowledge.The islands of Greece are like big ships which travel through the history.I have born and grown up at Samos and Icaria islands.The ship in my art combines two many Ideas.Sometimes it travels in the sea, other times travels in the sky or flies over the high mountains.It changes and becomes string instrument or balances in the air through a string and symbolizes the harmony and the wisdom which are necessary for the human happiness.The specific artwork which is made from marble and iron it is not a realistic ship.It is the combination of ancient and contemporary ships and also non realistic, dreamy models.Its body could birth sounds, words, music or woman’s hair.With this way it could travel everywhere and bring people together. The white marble for me symbolizes the Light and the Purity

作者姓名: 任哲
作品材质: 铸不锈钢
"「人有心, 物有性。」齐眉棍立棍於地,棍高以眉齐为度,棍声呼啸,气势极为勇猛。经艺术家妙手雕琢后,人物与竹棍的互动关係形成刚与韧的独特韻味,把齐眉棍的刚猛与与
Title: Eyebrow-Level
Artist:Ren Zhe
Material: Stainless Steel
Size: 3.5 meters high
“Human has a heart, and object has a character.” The relation between the figure and bamboo stick was unique and special, represented its artistic conception of fierce and elegance.

作者姓名: 翟庆喜
作品材质: 不锈钢
Title: To live with Qs
Artist:Zhai Qingxi
Material: Stainless Steel
Size:4.1 meters high
Success requires lots of factors, such as IQ, EQ, AQ, MQ and so on. However what’ more important, you need to improve yourself and cooperate.

作者姓名: 陈浪华
作品材质: 石材
Title: The passing time
Artist:Chen Langhua
Material: Stone
Size:5 meters long
Stringing together the keyboards like abacus, the sculptor expressed the return of ideology and a progressive spirit through the combination of new and old

作者姓名: 景育民
作品材质: 不锈钢
Title: Staring Down The Wall
Artist:Jing Yumin
Material: Stainless Steel
Size: 3.5 meters high
“Empty" in Buddhism focused on the bearing of soul and spirit. The sculpture showed the image that Tamo Monk staring down the wall and finally integrated into the wall, by a lyrical creative way and white spaces. Viewers seemed to observe Tamo Monk's phantom from the tough cliff.
A spiritual examine was constructed by anxious shadows on the polished stainless steel surface and persistent Tamo.