
2018年03月07日 18:44 新浪收藏
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中国长春国际雕塑作品邀请展自 1997 年起已连续举办 18 届,共计 216 个国家及地区,530 余位雕塑家的 820 多组件作品落户长春,在世界雕塑界享有广泛影响。入选雕塑家引以为荣。2018 年,长春市人民政府决定举办第十九届中国长春国际雕塑作品邀请展,由二道区人民政府承办,以 “ 奋斗 · 幸福 ”为主题,向世界公开征集,入选作品将永久展陈于二道区城市公共空间内。

二道区位于长春市区东部,全区直辖面积 102 平方公里,辖 1 个省级开发区--长春国际物流经济开发区,7 街、1 镇,41 个城市社区、8 个建制村,总人口45.5 万。二道区区域形成经历了 200 余年的历史演变过程。从公元 1800 年(清嘉庆五年)开始,清政府设长春厅(治所在今南关区新立城镇)。厅下置四个乡,二道区属其抚安乡。1948 年 10 月 19 日长春解放。和顺、东荣两区合并成立二道河子区。二道河子原是双阳河的一条支流,流向与伊通河相通,历史上人们习惯性地称伊通河为“头道河”,这条双阳河的支流则被称为“二道河子”,二道河子区因此得名。1995 年,长春市行政区划调整,将原双阳县的四家乡、劝农镇、泉眼乡和郊区的三道镇划归本区,全区总面积增至 511.3 平方公里。二道河子区改名为二道区。近年来,二道区以“建设新二道、服务长东北、辐射长吉图”为总体定位,以“建设现代化中心城区、打造幸福美好二道”为发展目标,按照突出改革创新与突破、突出发展质量与效益、突出民生改善与提升、突出安全稳定与和谐、突出党建引领与保障“五个突出”的总体要求,深入推进“创新驱动、两业带动、三区联动”发展战略,加快全域城市化步伐,加快建成创新跨越的智慧二道、兴业富民的繁荣二道、绿色宜居的生态二道、诚信友爱的文明二道、和谐稳定的法制二道。





入选作品拟定 30 件(根据作品质量适度增减),鼓励创作成组群的雕塑作品。

作品评审:将邀请知名雕塑家、艺术家组成评委会,对征集的作品稿样进行审定,评选入选作品 30 件。评选结果在长春市城市雕塑规划管理办公室网(http://uspmo.ccsculpture.org/ccdsb.action?ym=index)公布。组委会将向入选作者寄发邀请信和参展合同,明确双方的责任、权利和义务。入选作者应将参赛合同签字后寄回组委会。


要求所有入选作者到制作现场放稿时向组委会送交雕塑定稿小样,作品小样由长春雕塑艺术馆永久收藏,颁发收藏证书。入选作品安装完成后给予 6 万元人民币(税后)艺术创作费,并由组委会颁发证书。



请参 展 作 者 使 用 IE10 以 上 、火 狐 或 谷 歌 浏 览 器 登 陆 投 稿 平 台(通过网络系统进行投稿。(投稿平台启用时间2018年 3月19日)

投稿截止日期 2018 年 4 月 25 日(特殊情况请与组委会办公室联系)。






征集方案:2018 年 3 月 5 日-2018 年 4 月 25 日
方案评选:2018 年 5 月中旬确定入选方案并发布
制作安装:2018 年 7 月中旬—8 月末
展览开幕:2018 年 9 月


联系人: 畏来 赵月
地址:长春市亚泰大街 9777 号,长春市城市雕塑规划管理办公室
电话:0431 89189756
传真:0431 89189756


我们将对您提交的作品进行认真地阅读,广泛征求意见,组织知名专家评选 。


The 19th China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium
Calls for Sculptors

Changchun International sculpture symposium has been held for 18 sessions

since 1997, as a result of which more than 820 pieces (groups) of sculptures created by more than 530 sculptors coming from 216 countries and regions have settled down in Changchun city. Due to its widespread influence on world sculpture, sculptors take it as a great honor to be invited by Changchun International Sculpture Symposium. In 2018, Changchun City’s Government decides to hold the 19th China Changchun International Sculpture Symposium with the theme of “strive and happiness” .

Organized by the Erdao District People’s Government, this symposium is now calling for proposals from all over the world, the selected works of which will be permanently exhibited in the urban public space of Erdao district Located in the eastern part of Changchun city, Erdao district, with a population of 455,000, covers an area of 102 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over one

provincial development zone -- Changchun International Logistics Economic

Development Zone, seven subdistricts, one town, forty-one urban communities and eight designated villages. Erdao district has experienced more than 200 years’ historical evolution to become what it is today. In 1800, ( the fifth year of Jiaqing Period, Qing Dynasty), the Qing government established Changchun Ting (an administration unit in Qing dynasty, the now Xinlicheng Town in Nanguan district),within the jurisdiction of which were four towns, one of which, then then called Fu’an Town was today’s Erdao district. After Changchun was liberated on October 19, 1948, Heshun district and Dongrong district were then integrated into Erdaohezi district.

Erdaohezi was a tributary of Shuangyang River. Its flow direction was connected to Yitong River. Historically, people used to refer to Yitong River as the “Toudaohe” (first river), and the tributaries of Shuangyang River as the “Erdaohzi” (second river).

“Erdaohezi” district hence got its name. In 1995, the administration division of

Changchun was readjusted, three towns which belonged to Shuangyang county, the Sijia town, Quannong town and Quanyan town, and Sandao town in the suburb of Changchun were incorporated to Erdaohezi, and the total area had expanded to 511.3 square kilometers. “Erdaohezi” was then renamed to“Erdao District”. In recent years, Erdao district, taking the overall positioning of “building a new Erdao, serving the Northeast Changchun and radiating the Changchun-Jinlin-Tumen Area”, taking the development goal of “building a modernized central urban area and a happy and beautiful Erdao”, and following the five- highlight overall requirements of “ highlighting reform, innovation and breakthrough, highlighting development quality and efficiency, highlighting improvement and promotion of people’s welfare, highlighting safety, stabilization and harmony and highlighting the leading and safeguarding role of party construction”, will further push forward the development strategy of “ innovation-driven , two-industry lead, and three-area linkage”, accelerate the pace of urbanization, and speed up the construction of an intellectual Erdao of innovation, a prosperous Erdao where business thrives and people are wealthy , an

ecological Erdao that is green and livable , a civilized Erdao that is faithful and

friendly, and a legislative Erdao that is harmonious and stable”.

Background and Requirements

The selected sculpture works will be permanently displayed in the urban public

space of Erdao district. All the submitted proposals are required to be original designs of outdoor landscape sculpture, and all the intellectual property rights of which should belong to the authors. We are hoping that with extraordinary creativity and imagination, you will make sculpture works that can best coincide with the theme, eulogize the spirit of the time, and embody Erdao’s cultural and spiritual connotation.

The proposed works are expected to be featuring in beautiful forms, high artistic values, and meet the special requirements of public art, which are reliabiity, security and permanency.

Soliciting, Scale and Evaluation

This symposium adopts a way of special invitation and public soliciting together, mainly targeting at internationally well-known art institutions, colleges and universities, and sculptors.

About 30 pieces of proposed works will be finally selected (adjustable according to the quality of the works). Groups of sculptures are encouraged.

Evaluation: A judging panel composed of well-known sculptors and artists will

evaluate all the proposals and select about 30 pieces of works. The final results will be published on the website of Changchun Urban Sculpture Planning and Management Office ( http://uspmo.ccsculpture.org/ccdsb.action?ym=index ) . The organizing committee will mail to the selected sculptors the invitation letter and the exhibition participation contract stipulating the responsibilities, rights and duties of both parties.

The selected sculptors should send back the signed contract and a maquette of about 50cm to the organizing committee.

Reward and Production

It is required that all the selected sculptors should send the maquettes to the

organizing committee within the stipulated time. The maquettes will be permanently collected by Changchun Sculpture Gallery and the authors will have the collection certificates from the gallery. When the final installation of the selected sculpture work is over, the author will be awarded 60,000 RMB (after tax) as the creation fee and a certificate issued by the organizing committee.

All the selected sculpture works will be enlarged by the organizing committee

collectively. The authors must be present at the production site to enlarge the

maquettee in person (Changchun City, Jilin Province). The organizing committee will provide the author with assistants for the production of the work and cover the author’s (himself/herself) travel expenses (one-time round trip economy air ticket from the author’s residence to the production site ) and the author’s accommodation during the enlargement of the sculpture work.

Submission and Requirement

Applicants should submit the proposals online ( Please choose one of the following web browser:

Internet Explorer 10 or above , Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. (This website will not be activated until March 19, 2018)

The deadline for submission is April 25, 2018. (In case of any special circumstance, please directly contact the organizing committee office )

Intellectual Property Protection

The design should not infringe any third party’s patent, copyright, trademark right, reputation right or any other lawful rights and interests.

All literal information, picture, graphics, audio or video materials contained in

the proposed design receive the legal protection for copyright, trademark, and other proprietary rights. They are not allowed to be published or broadcast without the consent of the participating authors.

The organizer has the right to compile, publish and release the selected sculptures and authorize Changchun Municipal People’s Government to use them for public welfare purpose, etc.

Important Time Schedule

Calling for Proposals: March 5 to April 25, 2018.

Evaluation: confirm the selected sculpture works and release the results of the

evaluation in the middle May, 2018

Production and Installation: Middle July, 2018- August 31, 2018

Opening of the Exhibition: September, 2018


The Organizing Committee Office of the 19th China Changchun International

Sculpture Symposium

Liaison: Wei Lai , Zhao Yue (Aimee)

Address: 9777 Yatai Street, Changchun, Jilin Province, China

Changchun Sculpture Planning and Management Office

Postcode :130000

Tel:0431 89189756

Fax:0431 89189756

Email: cccsculpture@163.com (This Email is only for consultation, please visit for submitting proposals )

You can scan the following QR code to join in the symposium’s QQ group for

more information.

The organizing committee reserves the final right of interpretation for this event.

We will carefully review your submission, solicit opinions from all sides and organize experts to evaluate the proposals. The organizing committee will sign the Production Contract with the selected author. We sincerely welcome your submission.




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