
2017年02月22日 10:32 新浪收藏 微博
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威尼斯双年展副主席 Debora Rossi(右)介绍此次双年展主要构成威尼斯双年展副主席 Debora Rossi(右)介绍此次双年展主要构成



  本届威尼斯双年展展期为5月13日至11月26日,预览时间将是5月10日-12日,主题为“艺术永生”(Viva Arte Viva)。新闻发布会上,未能莅临现场的总策展人克里斯汀·马萨尔(Christine Macel)通过视频宣布展会细节:“艺术永生”分为9大板块,来自51个国家的120位受邀参展艺术家参与此次展览。其中,103位首次参展。中国艺术家耿建翌、关小、郝量、刘建华、刘野、周滔(音译)参与此次主题展。

威尼斯双年展主席保罗·巴拉塔(Paolo Baratta)及策展人克里斯汀·马萨尔(Christine Macel)威尼斯双年展主席保罗·巴拉塔(Paolo Baratta)及策展人克里斯汀·马萨尔(Christine Macel)


  其次,马萨尔介绍了九个章节(展馆)(The Nine Trans-Pavilions)的核心内容。她说,九个章节一起讲述着一个看似东拉西扯的、有时相互矛盾的故事,但它们却像是一面镜子,照着我们这个复杂的世界。九个部分不会用明显的展墙来区分,观众可以有机地、流动地、自然地看到各个作品。


  第二章“喜悦和恐惧之馆”探讨一种“身心循环”。中国人熟悉这种思维方式,但西方却很陌生,它们反应着艺术家理解人性、理解艺术本身的方式。在这个展厅里,叙利亚艺术家Rachel Rose以孤独、恐惧的方式研究她的个人实践。


  第四章“地球之馆”将围绕自然环境、生物圈、探索和梦等方面。这一章节里的部分艺术家并未被众人所知,比如比如日本艺术家The Play 将在威尼斯湖上呈现最新项目;一位巴西年轻艺术家将在花园里带来小型项目。








  中国馆主题为“不息”(Continuum – Generation by Generation),其取自《周易。系辞》中的“生生之谓易”。策展人邱志杰表示,他以“不息”回应主题“艺术万岁,是想呈现中国艺术家愚公移山式的、尊重师承关系的情怀。据官方消息显示,四位参展艺术家——汤南南、邬建安、汪天稳、姚惠芬将参展。其中,汪天稳从事皮影雕刻50年,为国家级工艺美术大师;姚惠芬则是一位苏绣的国家级非遗传承人。







1. ADER, Bas Jan(荷兰)

Born in 1942 in the Netherlands, died in 1975

2. AL SAADI, Abdullah(阿联酋)

Born in 1967 in the UAE, lives and works in Khorfakkan

3. ALADAG, Nevin(土耳其)

Born in 1972 in Turkey, lives and works in Berlin

4. ANTUNES, Leonor

Born in 1972 in Portugal, lives and works in Berlin

5. ARAEEN, Rasheed

Born in 1935 in Pakistan, lives and works in London

6. ARANCIO, Salvatore

He born in 1974 in Italy, lives and works in London

7. ATIKU, Jelili

Born in 1968 in Nigeria, lives and works in Lagos

8. ATLAS, Charles

Born in 1949 in the United States, lives and works in New York

9. ATTIA, Kader

Born in 1970 in France, lives and works in Berlin and Paris

10. áVILA FORERO, Marcos

Born in 1983 in France, lives and works in Paris and Bogota

11. BANERJEE, Rina

Born in 1963 in India, lives and works in New York

12. BEUTLER, Michael

Born in 1976 in Germany, lives and works in Berlin

13. BINION, McArthur

Born in 1946 in the United States, lives and works in Chicago

14. BLACK, Karla

Born in 1972 in the UK, lives and works in Glasgow

15. BLANK, Irma

Born in 1934 in Germany, lives and works in Milan

16. BLAZY, Michel

Born in 1966 in the Principality of Monaco, lives and works in Paris

17. BRUSCKY, Paulo

Born in 1949 in Brazil, lives and works in Recife

18. BUCHER, Heidi

Born in 1926, died in 1993 in Switzerland

19. CALAND, Huguette

Born in Lebanon in 1931, lives and works in Los Angeles

20. CHARRIèRE, Julian

Born in 1987 in Switzerland, lives and works in Berlin

21. CIACCIOFERA, Michele

Born in 1969 in Italy, lives and works in Paris

22. CORDIANO, Martín

Born in 1975 in Argentina, lives and works in London

23. CSOR?G?, Attila

Born in 1965 in Hungary, lives and works in Bialystok


Born in 1980 in France, lives and works in Amsterdam

25. DANZ, Mariechen

Born in 1980 in Ireland, lives and works in Berlin

26. DEKYNDT, Edith

Born in 1960 in Belgium, lives and works in Berlin

27. DíAZ MORALES, Sebastián

Born in 1975 in Argentina, lives and works in Amsterdam

28. DOWNEY, Juan

Born in 1940 in Chile, died in 1993 in the United States

29. ELIASSON, Olafur

Born in 1967 in Denmark, lives and works in Copenhagen and Berlin

30. ENGSTED, S?ren

Born in 1974 in Denmark, lives and works in Copenhagen

31. FI?KIN, Vadim

Born in 1965 in Russia, lives and works in Ljubljana

32. GARCíA URIBURU, Nicolás

1937–2016, Argentina

33. GENG, Jianyi

Born in 1962 in China, lives and works in Hangzhou

34. GILLIAM, Sam

Born in 1933 in the United States, lives and works in Washington, D.C.

35. GRIFFA, Giorgio

Born in 1936 in Italy, lives and works in Turin

36. GUAN, Xiao

Born in 1983 in China, lives and works in Beijing

37. GUARNERI, Riccardo

Born in 1933 in Italy, lives and works in Florence

38. GUTIéRREZ, Cynthia

Born in 1978 in Mexico, lives and works in Guadalajara

39. HAINS, Raymond

1926–2005, France

40. HAJAS, Tibor

1946–1980, Hungary

41. HALILAJ, Petrit

Born in 1986 in Kosovo, lives and works in Berlin

42. HALPRIN, Anna

Born in 1920 in the United States, lives and works in Kentfield, California

43. HAO, Liang

Born in 1983 in China, lives and works in Beijing

44. HERáCLITO, Ayrson

Born in 1968 in Brazil, lives and works in Salvador

45. HICKS, Sheila

Born in 1934 in the United States, lives and works in Paris

46. HOPE, Andy

Born in 1930 in Germany, lives and works in Berlin

47. KASPER, Dawn

Born in 1977 in the United States, lives and works in New York

48. KHAN, Hassan

Born in 1975 in the UK, lives and works in Cairo

49. KIM, Sung Hwan

Born in 1975 in Korea, lives and works in New York

50. KONATE, Abdoulaye

Born in 1953 in Mali, lives and works in Bamako

51. KORINA, Irina

Born in 1977 in Russia, lives and works in Moscow

52. KWADE, Alicja

Born in 1979 in Poland, lives and works in Berlin

53. LAI, Florence

Born in 1984 in Hong Kong, lives and works in Hong Kong

54. LAI, Maria

1919–2013, Italy

55. LANCETA, Teresa

Born in 1951 in Spain, lives and works in Alicante and Barcelona

56. LATHAM, John

Born in 1921 in Zambia, died in 2006 in the UK

57. LEE Mingwei

Born in Taiwan in 1964, lives and works in Paris

58. LEIBOVICI, Franck

Born in 1975 in France, lives and works in Paris

59. LEWITT, Sam

Born in 1981 in the United States, lives and works in New York

60. LIU, Jianhua

Born in 1962 in China, lives and works in Shanghai

61. LIU, Ye

Born in 1964 in China, lives and works in Beijing


Born in 1983 in Russia, lives and works in Moscow and Makhachkala

63. MALLUH, Maha

Born in 1959, Saudi Arabia, lives and works in Riyadh


Born in 1934 in Syria, died in 2016 in Germany

65. MATSUTANI, Takesada

Born in 1937 in Japan, lives and works in Paris

66. MEDALLA, David

Born in the Philippines in 1938, lives and works in London

67. MILLER, Dan

Born in 1961 in the United States, lives and works in Oakland

68. MILLER, Peter

Born in 1978 in the United States, lives and works in Cologne and Dusseldorf

69. MIRALDA, Antoni; RABASCALL, Joan; SELZ, Dorothée; XIFRA, Jaume

Born in 1942 in Spain, lives and works in Barcelona; born in 1935 in Spain, lives and works in Paris; born in 1946 in France; lives and works in Paris; and born in Spain in 1934, died in 2014 in France

70. MONDRIAN FAN CLUB (David Medalla and Adam Nankervis)

Born in the Philippines in 1938, lives and works in London, and born in 1965 in Australia, lives and works in London and Berlin

71. MURESAN, Ciprian

Born in 1977 in Romania, lives and works in Cluj

72. NENGUDI, Senga

Born in 1943 in the United States, lives and works in Colorado Springs

73. NETO, Ernesto

Born in 1964 in Brazil, lives and works in Rio de Janeiro

74. NU?EZ, Katherine and RODRIGUEZ, Issay

Born in 1992 in the Philippines and born in 1991 in the Philippines, living and working in Marikina

75. OHO

Founded in 1966, based in Kranj and Ljubljana since 1971

76. OROZCO, Gabriel

He born in 1962 in Mexico, lives and works in Tokyo

77. PARRENO, Philippe

Born in 1964 in Algeria, lives and works in Paris

78. PICH, Sopheap

Born in 1971 in Cambodia, lives and works in Phnom Penh

79. PLNY, Lubos

Born in 1961 in the Czech Republic, lives and works in Prague

80. POGACNIK, Marko

Born in 1944 in Slovenia, lives and works in Sempas

81. POLSKA, Agnieszka

Born in 1985 in Poland, lives and works in Berlin

82. POOTOOGOOK, Kananginak

1951–2010, Canada

83. PORTER, Liliana

Born in 1941 in Argentina, lives and works in New York

84. QUINLAN, Eileen

Born in 1972 in the United States, lives and works in New York

85. RAHMOUN, Younès

Born in Morocco in 1975, lives and works in Tetouan

86. RAMA, Edi

Born in 1964 in Albania, lives and works in Tirana

87. RAMíREZ, Enrique

Born in Chile in 1979, lives and works in Paris and Santiago


Born in Guatemala in 1978, lives and works in Berlin

89. ROSE, Rachel

Born in 1986 in the United States, lives and works in New York

90. SALA, Anri

Born in 1974 in Albania, lives and works in Berlin

91. SáNCHEZ, Zilia

Born in 1926 in Cuba, lives and works in San Juan

92. SAPOUNTZIS, Yorgos

Born in 1976 in Greece, lives and works in Berlin

93. SCOTT, Judith

1943–2005, United States

94. SHARIF, Hassan

1951–2016, United Arab Emirates

95. SHAVER, Nancy

Born in 1946 in the United States, lives and works in Jefferson and Hudson, New York

96. SHAW, Jeremy

Born in 1977 in Canada, lives and works in Berlin

97. SHERK, Bonnie Now

Born in the USA, lives and works in New York and San Francisco


Born in 1969 in Japan, lives and works in Naha

99. SMITH, Kiki

Born in 1954 in Germany, lives and works in New York and the Catskills

100. STARK, Frances

Born in 1967 in the United States, lives and works in Los Angeles

101. STILINOVI?, Mladen

Born in 1947 in Serbia, died in Croatia

102. STOLTE, Fiete

Born in 1979 in Germany, lives and works in Berlin

103. STUART, Michelle

Born in 1933 in the United States, lives and works in New York

104. SUGA, Kishio

Born in 1944 in Japan, lives and works in Ito

105. TANAKA, Koki

Born in 1975 in Japan, lives and works in Kyoto

106. TENGER, Hale

Born in 1960 in Turkey, lives and works in Istanbul


Founded in 1967 in Japan, based in the Kansai region

108. TOULOUB, Achraf

Born in 1986 in Morocco, lives and works in Paris

109. TRAN, Thu Van

Born in 1979 in Vietnam, lives and works in Paris

110. UPRITCHARD, Francis

Born in 1976 in New Zealand, lives and works in London

111. VERZUTTI, Erika

Born in 1971 in Brazil, lives and works in S?o Paulo

112. VOIGNIER, Marie

Born in 1974 in France, lives and works in Paris

113. VOROBYEVA, Yelena and VOROBYEV, Viktor

Born in 1959 in Turkmenistan, and born in 1959 in Kazakhstan, living and working in Almaty, Kazakhstan

114. WAHEED, Hajra

Born in 1980 in Canada, lives and works in Montreal

115. WALTHER, Franz Erhard

Born in 1939 in Germany, lives and works in Fulda

116. WATERS, John

Born in 1946 in the United States, lives and works in Baltimore

117. WEST, Franz

1947–2012, Austria

118. WYN EVANS, Cerith

Born in 1958 in the UK, lives and works in London


Born in 1963 in Korea, lives and works in Seoul

120. ZHOU, Tao

Born in 1976 in China, lives and works in Guangzhou






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