
2013年09月29日 11:29   99艺术网  

ArtPrize评委会宣布2013年提名名单 ArtPrize评委会宣布2013年提名名单


  在今年于密歇根州举行的Art Prize艺术节上一共有1,524个装置。所有提名候选人都将有机会角逐20,000美元的奖金,最终将于10月4日ArtPrize艺术奖中颁奖。

  特别值得一提的是一位艺术家,莫里斯·雅各布森(Maurice Jacobson),在两个类别中都受到了提名。(时间与表演艺术,和城市空间使用)。



  Alexis Rockman, “Tropical Migrants” (2011), Venue: Grand Rapids Art Museum

  Kyle Staver, “Europa and the Flying Fish” (2011), Venue: Grand Rapids Brewing Company

  Peter Crow, “Three and Four: Red, Yellow and Black” (2013), Venue: Cathedral Square

  Mary Rousseaux, “Series 28 Untitled #1” (2013), Venue: DeVos Place Convention Center

  Rick Beerhorst, “Painting” (2013), Venue: DeVos Place Convention Center


  Daniel Arsham, “Watching” (2013), Venue: Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park

  Carlos Bunga, “Ecosystem” (2013), Venue: SiTE:LAB @ 54 Jefferson

  Cooley/Lewis, “Through the Skies for You” (2013), Venue: Kendall College of Art and Design

  Charles Matson Lume, “The world’s an untranslatable language II (for Charles Wright)” (2013), Venue: Kendall College of Art and Design

  Julie Schenkelberg, “The Unfounded Future of the Untold” (2013), Venue: SiTE:LAB @ 54 Jefferson


  Angle of Repose, “Dance In The Annex (DITA)” (2013), Venue: SiTE:LAB @ 54 Jefferson

  Arthur Liou, “Sonnet 27” (2013), Venue: SiTE:LAB @ 54 Jefferson

  Shahzia Sikander, “The Last Post” (2010), Venue: Grand Rapids Art Museum

  Deanna Morse, “Whispers of the Prairie” (2013), Venue: Grand Rapids Art Museum

  Maurice Jacobson, “Facing Al Aqaba” (2013), Venue: Ah-Nab-Awen Park


  David Kail, “Egg Prize” (2013), Venue: Van Andel Arena

  Maurice Jacobsen, “Facing Al Aqaba” (2013), Venue: Ah Nab Awen Park

  JD Urban, “United States: an everyday people project” (2013), Venue: Calder Plaza

  Hanson and Feinburg, “Temporary’s Pursuit of Permanence” (2013), Venue: Gilette Bridge

  Henry Brimmer, “I want to be different … (ladder)” (2013), Venue: Monroe Center/ First Community Bank


  Kendall College of Art and Design

  Grand Rapids Art Museum

  SiTE:LAB @ 54 Jefferson

  Craft House

  Auto Fixit Body Shop



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