Three space of Whitestone gallery in Japan simultaneously launched Jiang Yi contemporary ink painting

Whitestone gallery main gallery, Whitestone gallery N-art gallery, Whitestone gallery new art lab
日本老牌画廊之一,白石画廊(Whitestone gallery)在银座开馆第三家空间。此空间在日本繁华的银座一丁目古董街。白石画廊1967年创立,主要推动日本战后具体派前卫艺术和当代艺术,在银座有三家空间,在轻井泽,香港HQueens,台北,持有画廊空间。此次新开的空间是第六个展览空间。在疫情和艺术市场不稳定之下开馆新的空间可以说是白石画廊的新布局。这次白石画廊在银座的三个空间同时推出了艺术家江屹(Jiang Yi)的当代水墨艺术作品“豹”的系列。
白石画廊NEW ART LAB空间展出了草间弥生和江屹的作品。草就弥生是当今世界上最著名的艺术家之一,她把生命永恒反映在无尽的园点和网格之中。这次展示的作品有她早期的原作和版画作品,与江屹的黑白简洁的绘画在空间中呼应对比,效果非常好。
One of Japan‘s established galleries, Whitestone Gallery, opened its third space in Ginza Tokyo。 This space is in the bustling Ginza 1-Chome Antique Street, most luxury street in Japan。 Founded in 1967, Whitestone Gallery mainly promotes Japan’s post-war specific avant-garde art and contemporary art。 There are already two spaces in Ginza, holding gallery space in Karuizawa, Hong Kong hqueens and Taipei。 The newly opened space is the sixth exhibition space。 Under the epidemic and the instability of the art market, the opening of a new space can be said to be the new layout of Whitestone gallery。 This time, Whitestone Gallery launched a series of contemporary ink painting works “leopard” by artist Jiang Yi in the three spaces of Ginza。
Whitestone Gallery new art lab space shows the works of Yayoi Kusama and Jiang Yi。 Yayoi Kusama is one of the most famous artists in the world today。 She reflects the eternity of life in endless circles and grids。 The works displayed this time include her early original works and printmaking works, which echo and contrast with Jiang Yi‘s simple black-and-white painting in the space, and the exhibition effect is very good。

Whitestone gallery NEW ART LAB space rxhibition Yayoi Kusamsa and Jiang Yi art works
Whitestone Gallery Ginza Main space mainly displays the works of Japanese postwar art like MOOHA and GUTAI artists。 The exhibition hall on the 7th floor shows the works of Jiang Yi and famous Japanese artists Jiro Yoshihara who is famous for his gesture abstract oil painting in the 1950s and the hard edged painting circle inspired by Zen creation in the 1960s, Natsuyuki Nakanishi, Tsuyoshi Maekawa, etc。。 Natsuyuki Nakanishi is a visual and conceptual artist related to Japan‘s avant-garde art movement in the 1960s。 Tsuyohsi Maekawa is an artist who explores the pure abstract expression from the relationship between color, form and material。
The n-art space of Whitestone gallery is the main venue of Jiang Yi solo exhibition。 Jiang Yi‘s solo exhibition is another major art activity in Japan after the group exhibition of China Art Museum in 2015, “the Asian contemporary art exhibition” in Hong Kong and the large solo exhibition of Beijing Damei Art Museum in 2018。 The theme of this exhibition comes from ZhuangZi’s “Carefree Excursion”。 With the wild “leopard” as the central theme, it uses Oriental materials such as ink and wash to go back and forth between traditional and contemporary。 It has a new look and has been highly concerned and praised by the Japanese art circles and media。

此次新空间推出艺术家Jiang Yi(江屹)的个展《逍遥游》,白石画廊会长白石幸生谈到:江屹先生来到日本后通过研究渗透学的统计物理学获得该理论中第一个博士学位,并将获得的学术成果应用于艺术,在东京艺术大学绢谷幸二研究室,创造了他独特的画风。他的艺术成就被日本著名艺术家绢谷幸二称为是融合了科学和艺术的“达芬奇型的艺术家”。江屹的成果得到高度评价,被日本琦玉近代美术馆馆长田中幸人推荐参加了日本第一个关注亚洲当代艺术的展览,1992年的《亚洲当代艺术之旅》。和徐冰,蔡国强等艺术家被选为最受关注的亚洲当代艺术家。此展览海报使用了江屹的作品。
The new space launched the artist Jiang Yi‘s solo exhibition “Carefree Excursion”。 Whitesotne gallery said that after coming to Japan, Mr。 Jiang Yi obtained his first doctorate in the theory by studying the statistical physics of infiltration, and applied his academic achievements to art。 He created his unique painting style in the research room of Koji Kinutani, Tokyo University of the arts。 His artistic achievements are known by the famous Japanese artist Koji Kinutani as a “Da Vinci Type artist” integrating science and art。 Jiang Yi’s achievements were highly praised。 He was recommended by Kojin Tanaka, Direcor of Saitama Modern Art Museum in Japan to participate in Japan‘s first exhibition focusing on Asian contemporary art, the journey of Asian contemporary art in 1992。 And Xu Bing, Cai Guoqiang and other artists were selected as the most concerned contemporary artists in Asia。 The poster of this exhibition uses the works of Jiang Yi。
Research scholar Jiang Yi‘s artistic activities in Europe, Japan and China are highly praised by academic circles at home and abroad。 He used contemporary mathematical theory to analyze the basis of Oriental Aesthetics and published the “Chinese art dimension theory”, which has attracted very high attention in Japan。 Jiang Yi talked about “the pursuit of extreme materiality can meet the God of human nature at a high level”。 In this series of works, he places his thoughts on the wild “leopard” in ink。 The unique perspective between contemporary and tradition, between civilization and wildness, can feel a kind of doubt and counter attack on modern society and contemporary art。 Jiang Yi’s “leopard” roams freely in the space of reality and virtual intersection, and re examines “what is civilization?” “What is wild?”, Peep into the essence of human beings through the eyes of leopards。
VIP开幕中千叶市美术馆前馆长河合正朝先生来到现场。河合馆长谈到“江老师的作品非常独特,他精通传统水墨,又对当代艺术和当代社会有深度的理解。他的水墨作品是有多维度的空间的。这是和日本的传统水墨完全不一样。你可以从他的作品中看出对于使用水墨的东方美学空间的挑战,特别是黑色背景的作品更是可以看出他对东方空间理解的挣扎和超克。” 同时河合馆长对于江屹的书法作品也是极为赞赏,他说:“江老师的书法很有意思。东方艺术是书画同源,先有书法,先有线条,才有艺术世界。”
Koei Shiraishi CEO of Whitestone gallery, said, “I am a big fan of Mr。 Jiang Yi。 He is a philosopher and a scholar。 I have learned a lot of life philosophy from his works。 Now the right to speak in art is in the West。 I hope to speak for Asian artists and contribute to the right to speak in Asian art。 We will hold roving exhibitions and publish books for Mr。 Jiang Yi。 He is an artist I like very much。”。
During the VIP opening, Mr。 Masatomo Kawai , the former director of Chiba City Museum of Art , came to the scene, After see the exhibiion, he said with deep feeling: “Mr。 Jiang‘s works are very unique。 He is proficient in traditional ink and has a deep understanding of contemporary art and contemporary society。 His ink works have multi-dimensional space。 This is completely different from traditional ink in Japan。 You can see from his works the challenge to the Oriental aesthetic space using ink and wash, especially his works with black background。 You can see his struggle and Transcendence in understanding Oriental space。” At the same time, Director Kawai also highly appreciated Jiang Yi’s calligraphy works。 He said: “Mr。 Jiang‘s calligraphy is very interesting。 Oriental Art is the same origin of calligraphy and painting。 Calligraphy and lines come first, and then there is the art world。”

Chiba Shigeo, a famous Japanese art critic, had an in-depth conversation with Jiang Yi about the origin and inheritance of Chinese and Japanese ink art, especially spoke highly of the modernity in Jiang Yi‘s works, which has opened up a new way for the future of Oriental Art。 Chiba Shigeo said: “the Japanese have always had a awe of China’s ink art。 Mr。 Jiang Yi‘s works are the fusion of the essence of China’s traditional art and philosophy, and the artistic form created is very contemporary。”

During the opening ceremony, collectors from Japna and abroad such as Chinese collector Zhang Rui, artist friends and art lovers, Mr。 Nakahara the president of FD Zhushi company in Japan, the Mr。 Takahashi the president of Fudosha, Japanese newspaper media came to the exhibition to watch the works and talk about their feelings with artist Jiang Yi。 Japan economic news introduced the exhibition, and Japanese media such as Gekkan art magazine and Gekkan Gallery interviewed Jiang Yi。
During the exhibition, planned by the art magazine, Jiang Yi had a conversation with the curator of the Taro Okamoto Art Museum and the famous Japanese art critic Meiji Tsujikata to explore the deep artistic value of Jiang Yi‘s contemporary ink and wash works and the possibility and future of Oriental Art。
The Jiang Yi solo exhibition is from March 19 to April 22。
Date: 19th March - 22nd April
Place: Whitestone gallery NEW ART GALLERY
Close: Monday