此次赴美一个月期间,他们将面向美国人民举行8次公开课、4场展览。赴美前,二人一遍遍琢磨和修改教案,同时还精心创作了 50 幅展览作品,熊岱平的传统山水和魏晋的中国书法各 25 幅。他们尽可能多地展示中国书画艺术的不同面貌、题材和风格。熊岱平的作品中既有花鸟又有山水、既有细笔也有写意、既有气势磅礴的大幅山水也有笔墨华滋的花鸟小品。魏晋的书法中既有四尺整纸的佳品、也有传统的四条屏,既有肆恣豪放的泼墨狂草,也有飘逸古雅的小行书,蝇头小楷端重隽永集传统书法之精髓、而泼墨大字则痛快淋漓兼当代艺术之性情。
Organizer:Confucius Institute at AAMU
Co-organizer:Alabama A&M University, Nanjing Forestry University
Time:September, 2017
熊岱平 (Daiping Xiong)
Born in 1977 in Jiangxi Province, China, Daiping Xiong is the deputy curator of the All-media Art Museum of Xinhua Daily Media Group, and the director of Chinese Painting Studio。 He studied at Tsinghua University’s Academy of Fine Arts in 2011。 He is the vice chairman of the Nanjing Youth Painters’ Association, a board member of the Xubeihong Council in Jiangsu Province, and a member of Jiangsu Youth Painters’ Association and Jiangsu Painters’ Association。
魏 晋 (Jin Wei)
Born in Jiangsu Province。 Jin Wei is a member of China Antithesis Association, Chinese Prose Poetry Association, Nanjing Calligraphy Association, Jiangsu Calligraphy Association, a board member of Jiangsu Youth Calligraphers Association, deputy secretary general of Nanjing Youth Calligraphy Association and vice chairman of Nanjing Calligraphers Association in Xuanwu District。
Your library of 藝術
Diaping Xiong and Jin Wei:
Chinese Calligraphy and Painting
September 12, 2017 @ 3 PM
Auditorium, Downtown Huntsville Library
Chinese calligraphy and painting are the highlights of Chinese culture, which, with their unique aesthetic values, hold value even to those who know little about them。 The Alabama A&M Confu-cius Institute is delighted to share this ancient art with Huntsville。 Born in 1977 in Jianxi Prov-ince, China, Diaping Xiong is the deputy curator of the All-media Art Museum and the director of the Chinese Painting Studio。 Jin Wei is a member of many Calligraphy Associations and vice chairman of Nanjing Calligraphers Association in Xuanwu District。
This program is free, please contact asprogramming@hmcpl.org if you have any questions。
![泼墨狂草 The running calligraphic style 88cm×98cm 2017年](http://n.sinaimg.cn/collect/crawl/20170908/un17-fykufii0415809.jpg)
![论语句 A Sentence from The Analects 70cm×35cm 2017年](http://n.sinaimg.cn/collect/crawl/20170908/T3JN-fykuffc4332835.jpg)
![《论语》八俏篇第三 Excerpts from The Analects 94cm×17cm 2017年](http://n.sinaimg.cn/collect/crawl/20170908/wp1o-fykufif3639044.jpg)
![《论语》选抄 Excerpts from The Analects 94cm×17cm 2017年](http://n.sinaimg.cn/collect/crawl/20170908/viB8-fykuffc4332859.jpg)
来源:微信公众号 苍润斋