用“野性”探险“文明”: JY 个展《逍遥逰》

2023年03月15日 21:42 新浪收藏
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  JY早年留学日本,研究‘渗透’统计物理学,获得博士学位。并将该成果应用于艺术创作,在东京艺术大学绢谷幸二研究室反覆研究,创造出全新的绘画风格。是一位异才艺术家。 其成果获得高度评价,在1992年被推选参加埼玉县立近代美术馆的企划展《亚洲当代艺术之旅》,作为亚洲当代艺术的代表性艺术家,在美国、欧洲、中国及日本等国际上大展身手。此外,他还根据“分形”的研究,运用现代数学分析东方艺术的机制,史上首次提出了东方艺术的数理基础,著书《中国画次元》。



对谈 艺术家JY(×台北师范大学美术学系系主任白适铭教授



庄子的《逍遥游》是从‘鲲鹏’的神话开始的,宏大的宇宙观让人惊心动魄。 《逍遥游》中,首先有怪鱼的‘鲲’和怪鸟的‘鹏’,既有巨大的幻兽,也有平凡的夜蝉和小雀。从庄子的齐物论的观点来看,故事中如果出现豹子也不奇怪吧。中国古典中有‘君子豹变’之类的典故,自古以来‘豹’就是一个很好的象征性题材。

  JY说:“但是,这并不是说我一定就得要画豹子了,更多的原因或许是因为想摆脱某些拘泥才决定画豹的。在浩瀚无垠的宇宙中自由自在才是艺术家的梦想。描写自己的认识和感受,我认为尽可能坦率直接。 但在实际创作中总想多下点功夫,以取得更好的效果。但是,功夫下多了我们会发现当初第一个感觉往往是最好的。像庄子的《逍遥游》那样,顺应宇宙的运行,作为自然的一部分的自己和大自然的造化浑然一体,没有拘泥和障碍,以悠闲快乐的心境享受精神的自由和幸福,才是最理想的状态吧。

空间   2022年    布面水墨     168.0×348.0公分空间   2022年    布面水墨     168.0×348.0公分
‘後文明’2023年 198×368cm ink on canvas‘後文明’2023年 198×368cm ink on canvas
‘羅生門’2022年 93×172cm ink on canvas‘羅生門’2022年 93×172cm ink on canvas
‘神曲’2022年 116×93cm ink on canvas‘神曲’2022年 116×93cm ink on canvas
‘茫々原野’2022年 45×95cm ink on canvas‘茫々原野’2022年 45×95cm ink on canvas
‘报喜’2022年 172×94cm ink on canvas‘报喜’2022年 172×94cm ink on canvas

  Whitestone gallery open the solo exhibition of JY, “Carefree Excursion”。

  The “Carefree Excursion” series is essentially a modern legend rich in the hue of autobiography, which is a visual text that fosters the fusion and juxtaposition of reality and folklore。 It is not just a transcultural self-production constructed by JY in response to the environmental vicissitude to reflect the inclusive co-existence of multiple subjects, but also a mental solution in the state of diaspora that enables liberal movement, traversing betwixt nodes of places。 Through the inter- pretation of different chapters and images, it is as if we were browsing the pages of Zhuangzi‘s works。 Filled with plots of wonder and narrative structures of venture, it actively lures visitors into the cosmos wilderness as well as the chaotic abstrusity that goes into oblivion in terms of direc- tion, time, weight, volume, etc。, freely explore an unimaginable world together with the fantastic creature。 In this instant, the leopard embodies the primitive “savagery” dwelling deep within humanity, whereas the infinitely immense universe is the “civilization” yet to come beyond our reach。 From “savagery” to “civilization,” our adaptability to environmental vicissitude is not just evolution in biological form, but also the need for extraordinary imagination that defies physical order, realizing an alternative “institutional change。”

  JY is considered to be a pioneer in the development of contemporary art in Japan。 Holding a doctorate in physics, JY has modernized oriental art by synthesizing his scientific knowledge and philosophical interests into his art making process。 Known for capturing movements of leopards in his monochromatic paintings, the artist believes that “if one pursues physics to the extreme, one will reach a high level of spirituality”。 Revealing a sense of timelessness, JY explores dimen- sions of time through his works。 Prior to becoming an artist, JY was an institutional scientist in Japan。 According to the artist, the subject of leopard is an analogi of counterattack towards contemporary art society。 In 1992, JY was shown in the group show of “Journey of Asian Contem- porary Art” at the Museum of Modern Art in Saitama, Japan。 His works have charted discourse between the reductionism of science and intellectual ideologies。 Inspired by Chinese philoso- pher Zhuangzi, JY was borned 1958 in China

‘神曲’2022年 94×156cm ink on canvas‘神曲’2022年 94×156cm ink on canvas

  逍遥遊: JY Solo Exhibition

  白石畫廊|展間| 台北內湖區基湖路11

  Whitestone Gallery | 1F, No.1, Jihu Rd。, Neihu Dist。, Taipei

  2023.03.04 - 04.15



标签: 艺术家

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