
2016年12月09日16:04   新浪收藏   微博收藏本文     




  学术顾问:古德 · 施密特 · 伊斯特斯

  支持单位:Art-More Space(中国 · 北京)、德国Keramion当代陶瓷艺术基金会美术馆


  协办:Art-More Space、车库美术馆

  展览地址:北京市朝阳区四惠通惠家园—车库美术馆8-2-5 Art-More Space



  部分参展艺术家:陈履生/胡伟/陈文令/唐承华/卢征远/何汶玦/哈桑刘/原田久/Danie Mellor/Heidi Bjorgan/Richard Stratton等(排名不分前后)

陈履生 《度一切苦厄》 陶瓷 16*16*50.2cm陈履生 《度一切苦厄》 陶瓷 16*16*50.2cm

  新春将至,在2016年的最后一个月里,Art-More Space重磅推出今年的压轴展览——“陶然自德”当代陶瓷艺术展。此次展览由福建省万旗艺术中心发起、联合Art-More Space及德国Keramion当代陶瓷艺术基金会美术馆合作,囊括三十余名海内外陶瓷艺术家的作品,让人耳目一新。他们将陶瓷演绎出万千变化,将这种传统材料引向更先锋、更前卫的道路。

陈文令《着意》陶瓷 32.5*9.5*40cm陈文令《着意》陶瓷 32.5*9.5*40cm

  2015年7月,由万旗艺术中心发起,德国Keramion陶瓷艺术基金会美术馆作为学术支持的首届国际“当代陶瓷艺术创作与对话”举办,邀请8个国家的艺术家到德化进行艺术创作,探讨陶瓷的传统与未来。2016年7月,第二届的“创作与对话”如期而至,艺术家有老熟人、有新面孔,陶瓷新媒介的风采或靓丽或厚重,引来了众多的艺术爱好者和媒体倾心关注,而艺术魅力依旧、艺术家执着如昔。第三届“陶然自得”——当代陶瓷艺术展则将于12月10日下午15:30在北京车库美术馆Art-More Space正式开幕。这批作品来自于福建泉州德化、更有来自多个国家的海外艺术家。他们对艺术巅峰苦苦追求之品格,路途虽远,心自陶然者必达之。

唐承华《云彩系列(一)》陶瓷 23.8*12.5*40cm唐承华《云彩系列(一)》陶瓷 23.8*12.5*40cm


唐承华《云彩系列(一)》陶瓷 23.8*12.5*40cm唐承华《云彩系列(一)》陶瓷 23.8*12.5*40cm


哈桑刘《巴黎印象》陶瓷 36.7*36.7*4.2cm哈桑刘《巴黎印象》陶瓷 36.7*36.7*4.2cm


6原田久《人生轮回》陶、宣纸画 无固定尺寸
谭根雄《痕》陶瓷 11.5*11.5*48.6cm谭根雄《痕》陶瓷 11.5*11.5*48.6cm

  Porcelain in Nature

  From “pottery (Tao)” to “happy and carefree spirit (Tao-like)”, linguists may write thousands of masterpiece in perspective of the wording evolution。 However, this association is naturally existing in artists’ mind, even without any transition。 In tangling of water with soil, or mud with fire, beautiful minds and clever handworks are integrated into this pottery, which contains the meaning of life。 Then the happy and carefree spirit and the immense proudness is felt in the process itself in the course of nature。

陈向东《涛涛之水》陶瓷 15*15*50.5cm陈向东《涛涛之水》陶瓷 15*15*50.5cm

  The pottery in Dehua, which is located in south part of China, started passing down from thousands of years ago。 It might be faded away sometimes, but never disappeared。 In July 2015, The 1st International Pottery Artwork Creation and Dialogue was initiated by Wanqi Art Center, with the academic support from German Keramion Pottery Artwork Foundation Art Museum。 Artists from 8 countries were invited to Dehua for art creation and discussion about the tradition and future of pottery。 In July 2016, The 2nd “Creation and Dialogue” was held as scheduled。 Both old acquaintances and new faces joined the event。 The new ceramic media, either bright or dignified, arose great attention to numerous art lovers and the media。 The charm of art shined still, and the artists persisted as ever。

Heidi Bjorgan《抗争》陶瓷 28.9*22.6*34.8cmHeidi Bjorgan《抗争》陶瓷 28.9*22.6*34.8cm
Brigitte Spiegel《浪》陶瓷,25.2*25.2*46.6cmBrigitte Spiegel《浪》陶瓷,25.2*25.2*46.6cm
Richard Stratton《贝拉卢戈西(二)》陶瓷 22*22*51.5cmRichard Stratton《贝拉卢戈西(二)》陶瓷 22*22*51.5cm

  There is an old saying: “Difficult the first time, easy the second。 When it comes to the third time, a comprehensive understanding shall be achieved”。 After two successful terms of the “Creation and Dialogue”, we would like to share our delight of harvest, together with those artists‘ inspiration for creation and their thoughts。 We are willing to settle down for deep thinking, and for listening to diverse voices and opinions from everyone as well。 Thus, we coordinately invite you to experience the cross-boundary reflection of ceramic art between ice and fire altogether in the winter time of Beijing。

张岚军《春意》陶瓷 11*11*47.7cm张岚军《春意》陶瓷 11*11*47.7cm
张敏杰《疑惑》陶瓷 无固定尺寸张敏杰《疑惑》陶瓷 无固定尺寸

  These artworks are from Dehua, Quanzhou。 Furthermore, they were resulted from the pursuit of art peak by all artists。 The journey of art might be unexpectedly long, but people could eventually make it, in accompany with the happy and carefree spirit arising from their love of pottery。




文章关键词: 陶瓷陶然艺术展

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